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When I finally woke up, I found myself tucked into papery sheets in a depressing white room. I sighed realizing I was probably at the campus health clinic. I sat up, removing the sheets when a woman in scrubs walked into the room. 

"Ah, you're awake!" She said, taking a seat in front of the computer. "You're friend just left a few minuets ago, she's a keeper that one."

I tilted my head in confusion. 


The woman, who I suppose was the doctor turned to look at me. "Oh, was she your girlfriend then?" She asked before turning back to her computer. "Didn't know Paige was dating."

Paige? Suddenly it hit me, the blonde girl who I bumped into. 

"Did she bring me here?" I asked the doctor. 

"Yep, she carried you all bridal style. Even got some of your nose blood on her shirt." 

I did not need to know that. Now I would feel guilty ruining her outfit and also because I couldn't thank her since I didn't know who she was. I mean I knew that her name was Paige but god knows how many Paiges there were on this campus.

"Oh don't look so mortified, Paige is a sweetheart." She continued. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind." 

I kept silent. I wasn't one to usually pass out from looking at blood. Don't get me wrong I was deathly scared of blood but not enough to actually pass out. Now I inconvenienced a random girl and also ruined her shirt. Great going. 

"Now onto the main point." The doctor clasped her hands together. "You're exhausted. I know Paige said she knocked you down before you passed out but we did the tests and there's nothing wrong other than some severe exhaustion."

"Oh, that's good to hear." I replied, not knowing what to say. 

The doctor sighed, "You have to start taking things easy, Cerise. I was able to look into your student profile and I think you might be juggling a bit too much right now." 

Now I was starting to get annoyed. Why would she look through my profile, that had to be some privacy violation.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." I said, starting to get up. "Do I have to pay anything?"

The doctor pursed her lips, "It should all be covered."


I bid her a goodbye and made my way back to my dorm seeing that I had missed my organic chemistry class. The walk to my dorm was a short one. Thankfully, it was close to the campus clinic. 

As soon as I entered the apartment, I rushed to my bed plopping down on it dramatically. 

"Cer?" Yelled a voice from outside. I recognized it as my roommate Marlene's and decided not to respond. She would come here anyways.

"Cerr,  where were you in orgo?" Marlene whined as she plopped herself onto my bed next to me. "You left me to die all alone."

I giggled at her dramaticness. I loved Marlene, she always knew how to make me laugh. 

"It's a long story Mar, but I swear I had a good reason."

I guess she saw how out of it I looked, so she didn't prod further. 

"How about we go to Nika's party tonight?" She asked me softly. "I know you've been cooped up studying and tutoring these past few weeks. I think you'll do well with a nice night out."

I thought about it for a minuet. I wasn't really one for parties but I knew Marlene always liked to go the basketball parties since her close friend Nika was on the team and she was always invited by association. Maybe a change would be nice for once. I would just stick to Marlene and I could get my mind off of academics for once. 

"Let's do it," I tell her and she squeals, wrapping me in a tight hug. "I swear we're gonna have so much fun!"

I just hoped that my day wouldn't become worse than it already was. 

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