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a   b r e a t h   o f   f r e s h   a i r

Inès Bernard looked out at the city before her, the sun's rays dancing on the serene waters of the Mediterranean as she drew closer to Monaco.

The flight from Paris to Côte D'azur had been seamless, each instant cherished to take in the distinctive beauty of the scenery below. As the white clouds dissipated, they revealed a mosaic of green fields and picturesque villages stretching to the majestic mountains on the horizon. It was as if flying over an impressionist painting, where each stroke of colour blended into a breathtaking landscape.

After a smooth landing in Nice, Inès opted for a taxi to take her to her final destination. The driver, a friendly local with a melodious accent, warmly greeted her and began the journey along the winding roads that snaked along the coast. The Bernard girl looked out the car window with fascination, observing the stunning spectacle of the French Riviera unfolding before her eyes. The rugged cliffs plunged into the turquoise-blue sea, while the palm trees swayed gently in the wind, creating a scene worthy of a postcard.

As the taxi approached Monaco, her pulse quickened with anticipation. She pressed her face against the window, absorbing every detail of the ever-changing skyline. The gleaming skyscrapers, the luxurious yachts moored in the marina, and the lush gardens dotting the mountainside - all contributed to the aura of glamour and sophistication that enveloped the principality.

Finally, the taxi stopped in front of an imposing apartment building, its marble facade gleaming in the sunlight. She looked out the window, recognizing the familiar building, memories of her youth flooding back to her mind.

"We've arrived, miss," announced the taxi driver with a courteous tone, bringing her back to the present.

Inès nodded, grateful for the journey and reaching for her purse to pay the fare. As she handed over the payment, the driver seemed to notice the nostalgic look in her eyes.

"You seem to know this area well," he commented, curious.

She nodded, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "Yes, I lived here for most of my life."

"Oh, so you're quite the familiar face around town," said the driver with a smile. "I'm sure a lot has changed since your last visit."

Inès agreed, thinking of the changes that could have occurred since she left Monaco at 18. "Yes, I'm curious to see how things are now."

"If you need anything during your stay here, don't hesitate to call me," offered the driver, handing her a card with his phone number.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind," replied, accepting the card gratefully.

With one last exchange of pleasantries, the driver closed the taxi door and drove off, leaving the girl alone in front of the building. She took a deep breath, a mixture of emotions flooding her heart as she returned to the place she had once called home.

With her suitcases by her side, she looked at the building in front of her, ready to reignite old memories and start this new chapter of her life in Monaco. As she crossed the threshold of the building, Inès was greeted by a stunning lobby, with polished marble floors and a cascade of light emanating from the sparkling chandelier. She took a deep breath, absorbing the sense of elegance and serenity that hung in the air. As she headed for the elevator, she could feel her heart beating faster in her chest. She was about to embark on a new phase of her life, full of promises and possibilities.

As the elevator slowly ascended to her floor, Bernard found herself smiling, swept up in the excitement of the moment. She was ready to dive headfirst into the adventure that awaited her in Monaco, eager to explore every corner of this charming and vibrant city.

r  e t r o u v a i l l e s | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now