Chapter 19: The end?

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Riya's POV:

I wake up. My body is heating up. I feel shivers all over. I can barely keep my eyes open. I check my phone. Its 11 am. I woke up late. There are no texts or messages from Anika. I have high fever. I notice a text from an unknown number. "She will never be yours. She is mine and she has always loved me. You were just a one night stand for her. She has been fucking a lot of people to fill up the void I left in her heart but now I'm back and I'm gonna take her with me". ITS HELENA.

I feel dizzy but I need to get ready to go to the office. I get up and somehow manage to walk to the cupboard while limping. My father comes into the room. "Riya beta, you are finally up. Get ready fast", he tells me excitedly.

"Ready for what?", I ask confused. "A guy is coming to see you", he replies.
"See me? For what?", I enquire bewildered.
"For marriage. Don't worry he is a really good guy. He is the son of my ex boss. They are a wealthy and good family".
"But I don't want to get married now. And you didn't even ask me once before looking for a guy?"
"I tried to talk to you about it on Sunday. I was going to tell you that he is coming to meet you today. He is a busy man and has 2 businesses of his own. Just try talking to him once, you may end up liking him".
"No papa. I'm not ready for marriage. And now I'll have to leave for office".
"They won't kick you out if you don't go to work one day. I'm pretty sure your boss will understand and grant you a leave for marriage".
"I'm sorry, papa but I won't marry now".
"Don't embarrass me. They will arrive in an hour. So please dress up. You may have a long life ahead but I don't. I don't know how much longer I'll stay alive. I already have heart problems... I have always given you everything you have ever wanted. So please just listen to this request of mine. He is a really nice person and also we are lucky that he liked your picture and decided to meet you in person".
"How can you say that, papa? Do my opinions not matter? Its the question of my entire life."
"They do matter. But you don't even have a boyfriend. So what's the problem in meeting someone I have chosen for you. Please listen to this one request."
He walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

I sit on the bed. I don't know what to do . I need to be with Anika. I am tensed. I am gonna meet this guy and reject him and then go meet with Anika and make sure she is alright. Why did Helena text me that though? Did Anika actually... NO NO NO.

I pick up my phone and text Anika, "I can't come to office now but I promise I'm going to be there by 6".

Its 1 pm now. The door bell rings. I still look pale and sick but I somehow wore a ghagra and put on lipstick.
"Riya, I think he is here. Open the door"
I hesitantly walk towards the door and open it . There's a tall man with high cheek bones, dark curly hair and black eyes standing infront of me. He reeks of costly cologne and is dressed in a blue suit, white shirt and blue formals. He has a sharp jawline and a demeaning look and an uncomfortable aura around him. He kinda looked familiar even though I knew I had never seen him before.
"May I come in?", he enquires in his deep voice with a smile that maybe able to impress many girls because it suits his stud-like personality but to me its just annoying.
"Ya please take a seat", I respond.
"You are prettier in person, Riya", he walks and sits on the sofa and puts on leg on top of the other.
"Tea or Coffee?"
"Water, if its not too much for you"
"Sure", I fetch a glass of water from the kitchen.
I walk towards him to hand him the glass. "Thank you", he replies as he slowly takes the glass from my hands while brushing his fingers against mine.
I hand him the glass and quickly remove my hand out of discomfort.
"Relax, Riya", he replies with a smile. I go and sit on the sofa opposite to him.

My father comes in with a tray of sweets for him, puts it on the table and sits on the sofa beside me. "So Raghav beta, did you like Riya?"
"She seems nice but I haven't talked to her much yet so I don't know".
"Oh, that's not a problem. You can go on a walk with her and spend some time to get to know her better."
"I don't have any problem if Riya is fine with it", Raghav replies.
"I'm pretty sure she doesn't mind", my father answers.
"Ok Riya, come with me, show me around this place please", he replied as he scanned me with his eyes.
He walks outside first and I follow him.

Anika's POV:

Helena walks inside my office. I roll my eyes. I don't wanna do this again.
"Hi, Anika, made a decision yet?"
"I told you, I don't care about you anymore"
"Aww, you seem pissed. I'm pretty sure you miss how I used to fuck you every night and make you squirt. I know you miss how I used to play with your body. I'm sure you have never been fucked like that since then".
"I don't miss anything."
"You don't? Then look into my eyes and tell me that you have thrown away that journal in which you used to write all about your sexual fantasies about me and our sexual experiences together. I must say, you were a good writer at that age."
"It also reminds me of all the pain you have caused me and how you left me miserable and broken"
"If you need to keep a journal to remind you that you should hate me, it means you haven't moved on from me. I am here to make things right."
The screen of my phone lights up as I receive a notification from Riya. I read her text through the notification. Helena notices it too.
"By the way, did you New little toy tell you that she is getting married soon?"
I look up at Helena with confusion.
"Your expression tells me she didn't. I guess she planned to tell you on the day of her marriage or something.
I wasn't able to believe her words. Would Riya actually hide such a big thing from me? I know, she read my journal without my permission, but...
"Why should I believe you?"
"I knew you would ask this. Anyways, if you don't trust me, come with me, I'll show you what she's up to right now and why she didn't come to office today".

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