the wolf's clothing

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I remember this as clear as day. It was a rainy evening. I came back from working the night shift at the local restaurant after a long day. Let's just say it wasn't the most pleasant place to work. It was rumoured to be owned by an old man about 50 years ago who was shot dead at the kitchen. I finished work really late, and Gabriela, a close friend of mine, drove me home.

"Are you sure you're ok being alone this night? There are a lot of burglars in your area" (she exclaimed).
"Don't worry, Gabriela. I'll be fine" (I said).

As she dropped me off at home, I remembered that, as I was about to take my shoes off and then I remembered I forgot my phone in her car. "Shoot" (I thought to myself).
How was I supposed to call her now? Oh well, I was on the doorstep of my house, and then I heard it-an animal growl. Already tired and sweaty, I ignored it. I mean, it might have just been a racoon from our next-door neighbour's trash bin, but in this case it was not.

As I was unlocking the door, I heard footsteps. Thinking about it, I unlocked my door, locked it, and went to sleep. I woke up and looked at the clock at 3 a.m.
I really need some sleep (I thought to myself).
I was about to go back to sleep, and then my dog started barking, so I decided to go up and check what was going on. When I went up, I saw him sleeping peacefully. Weird, I thought.

I went back to bed and turned off the lights as he was walking in my room. I licked my fingers, but then I remembered I always leave the dog outside, so who was inside licking my fingers now???
And then I saw him. He was tall, with claws and black fur like a wolf with two black holes with some red dried liquid.

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