Ten. Off

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PSA: Whenever something happens, the guys get odd and almost scattered in thoughts so if it seems complicated that's why ♥️

*Lore Sokolov*

I sat at my chair, telling the man to inhale, exhale, straight shot through the eyebrow.


When I was done he went to the desk to complete payment with Nora.

I took a sip of my Redbull. I didn't sleep too good last night.

I usually never have an issue but I kept tossing.

I stood, going into Hale's room.

He was tattooing a woman's areolas to be spider webs. Interesting choice. Thanks to Nora for the word.

"Hungry?" I asked.


"Can I get your burrito bowl? I want one too."


I went to the desk.

"Want food?" I looked at Nora.


"I don't know your order."

She nodded.

It was awkward I won't lie.

Yesterday was an interesting series of events.

"Come into my room."

She stood and did as I asked.

When I nodded at the piercing table she sat.

I gave her, her options between a burrito and a burrito bowl.

She chose everything she wanted herself.

I did mine and Hale's.

Afterward I paid online and was told it'd be about 30 minutes till the food got delivered.

"Can I check them?" I asked.

She nodded.

She gently pulled her arms through the sleeves of her shirt and it hung around her neck as she pushed it to hang along her back, baring her upper body to me.

I turned, grabbing the saline solution and a napkin.

"Can I clean them off?" I asked, looking at her eyes.


I held the napkin under her right breast, spraying the saline water on the area and she cringed at the cold temperature.

"Sorry, sweetheart." I whispered and turned for a q-tip.

I removed the dry blood from the bar, but they looked decent. The veins that ran along her breasts were darker today though, they were swollen but good overall.

I did the other.

"I'm gonna do something that's gonna feel weird."

"That's fine."

"Are you okay if I touch more? I can put gloves on real quick." I turned and grabbed my gloves, putting them on.

"You're fine." She said and I held her boob in my hand as I moved the bar all the way left.

She hissed.

But I cleaned the blood that had immediate contact from the skin to the bar.

Moved it to the right.

Did the same.

Did that to her other breast as well.

"Alright." I threw the gloves away.

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