Chapter 11 | Keefe

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{A/N: I might make the title like this from now on so I'll go back and edit all my other titles to be like it :') Also, I'm so sorry this took so long to post, I've been busy with studies. This is the longest chapter I've done wow! (btw there won't be a Sophie pov of this) Enjoy! <3}

Keefe was lying down on his bed starring aimlessly at the wall when Fitz called him. When he answered, Fitz's fuming face made him look like he was about to blow up.

"Whoa, Fitzy. What happened?" Keefe asked, confused.

"Don't 'Whoa Fitzy' me. We need to talk. Now!" He snarled back.

What did I even do?... Keefe thought, afraid. 

"Uh- sure... but Foster is supposed to come around later-" Keefe tried to reason.

"I don't care!" Fitz yelled back, cutting Keefe off. He was pretty sure Fitz didn't even hear what he said.

Before Keefe could respond, Fitz ended the call. 

"That was weird.." He said out-loud. "What could I have done..." He mused, confused.

. . . 

Fitz barged into Keefe room and a cloud of anger was overhead. "Oh hey, Fitzy. Daddy Dearest let you in?" Keefe tried joking to lighten the mood.

"This isn't the time." Fitz said as he sat on a chair and stared deeply into Keefe's eyes. His arms were crossed and his brow was scrunched, so Keefe knew he was in for a long talk.

"So.. What did I do?" He said, kicking his legs back and forth while sitting on the edge of his bed.

"What you did, was steal my girl!" Fitz finally exploded.

"WHAT?" Keefe yelled back, nearly stumbling off the bed. "Sophie isn't your girl!"

"YES SHE IS. AND YOU FREAKING STOLE HER FROM ME." Fitz raised his voice and got up pointing a finger at Keefe's chest.

Keefe took a couple breaths before replying calmly, "Sophie is her own person. We aren't even official yet because I need to go at her own pace. I can't rush her into anything, nor can you just claim her like some sort of prize."


"Do. Not. Touch me." Keefe glared.

"MAKE ME LOSER." Fitz barked back before throwing a punch at him. Keefe caught his fist in his hand before shoving it back in defense. 

"YOU DON'T DESERVE HER. I'M BETTER." Fitz shouted before throwing another punch at Keefe, this time in the nose. They got into a full blown fight and messed up the room. They both were covered in dried blood and had some bruises forming. 

"So that's how it's gonna be huh?! Loosing our friendship over a girl." He paused. "No, not 'a girl'. Over Sophie. She gets to choose who she wants to be with, it could be Dex for all she cares. Stop trying to control her!" Keefe corrected before clutching his nose in pain.

Before Fitz could reply, a soft sob was heard at the doorway. The boys both turned to look and saw Sophie, with her hands on her face, sobbing.

"Why?..." She meekly asked. "Why Fitz?..."

"SOPHIE!" He scrambled and tried to reach for her. 

"No. Get away from me you monster!" She shrieked and kicked him in the groin.

Keefe smirked but then his smile went sad when he noticed her tears. "Sophie- I-"

She shook her head and then ran to embrace him. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm sorry for fighting over you. You should get to choose who you want to be with... Not some loser like me." He turned away.

She pulled his head toward her to face her and said, "Keefe, I choose you. You're not some loser, you're my Keefe. You don't have to be sorry, and I'm glad you defended me." She then put a soft kiss on his lips.

Fitz stood there in shock and then fumed. "SO THAT'S HOW IT'S GONNA BE HUH?!" He yelled with tears in his eyes. "YOU CHOOSE HIM OVER ME?"

"I'd choose Keefe over you any day." She stated with a cold glare. "You were a great friend Fitz. But this-" Sophie said while pointing to the mess and then Keefe's bleeding nose. "-Is unacceptable."

Fitz was at a loss for words and Keefe thought he was going to leave. However, before he did he turned back and said softly, "Goodbye Sophie." Then he trudged at the window, taking one last look at Sophie before he left. 

God, what was that... Keefe thought to himself.

What If We Crossed the Line? - SoKeefe Story - Human AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora