Chapter 12: Poisoned Love

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I was sitting on the porch of my house playing on my phone when I heard someone call for me “Joanna!” I looked up to see a car sitting in front of my house with the window rolled down. When I walked closer I saw Victor looking back at me “What the hell do you want, Victor?”, “Get in the car and find out” he looked me in the eyes dead serious “Fuck no”, “Joanna. Get. In. The. Car” he said getting angry “Go to he-”, “GET IN THE FUCKING CAR!” He cut me off yelling and hitting the steering wheel. I flinched a little. “Fine.” I walked to the car pissed that he’s doing this to me.

We drove for a while until we ended up on a mostly deserted road then he started speeding up from 35, 40, 50, 60, 65, 75, 80, 90 my heart dropped and was pounding hard in my chest. “Victor slow down!.” I yelled but he went even faster until it was at 105 before he could get any higher. Something ran across the road and he slammed on the break making the tires screech loud until it slid to a stop. I took a second to breath before I got out of the car “Where the hell are you going?” he yelled and jumped out after me “I’m walking back until I can find a car to take me home” I yelled walking to the back of the car.

I got a little past his car before he grabbed me and slammed me into the car, “You’re not going anywhere” he said sternly keeping me against the trunk of his car “Victor, let me go.” I said avoiding eye contact “I’m not letting you go” he whispered into the side of my head. Tears of anger and sadness gathered in my eyes and I pushed him hard away from me “Leave me alone!” I yelled and started hitting his chest just repeating over and over. “N-No!” he yelled back and all of his anger came back as he tried to stop my fists from hitting him.

All of a sudden he backhanded me right across the face, I stopped all movements and backed up “I am so sorry” he said realizing what he did, he walked towards me and I continued to back away from him until I hit the car again. He grabbed my face with both of his hands, I looked up at him and kissed him and he kissed back. We had an aggressively passionate and angry makeout session. Then I went for the belt of his pants and undid them and grabbed his dick out of his pants and he pulled down my leggings, I took my croc off and took my leg out of the one side of my pants. I leaned my head onto his chest as he pushed in but as he went faster he yanked my head back by my hair. We fucked right there in the middle of the street on the back of his car.

He finally drove me home in silence when I went to get out. I stopped and turned back to him “Don’t contact me ever again” and I got out and walked up to my house upset but knowing it’s the right thing to do.
He listened for a while but a couple weeks later he messaged me again but I blocked him even though it hurt but he didn’t give up he continued to try and contact me in multiple different ways, all I either blocked or ignored.

A couple weeks later I was at school and I went to the bathroom during my 4th hour. As I was washing my hands in the empty bathroom I was grabbed from behind by my waist and a hand went over my mouth and pushed me into a stall. The door closed and locked and I pushed against the door with the hand around my mouth, when I finally focused and looked at my attacker I got pissed “What the fuck, Victor?!” I asked and pushed him back “What are you doing here and inside the girls bathroom at that?”. “You weren’t answering me” I looked at him actually shocked “So?”, “I wanted to see and talk to you”, “You’re a crazy person!” I yelled at him

Before I could say anything else he kissed me and started groping my boobs through my shirt which made me moan against his lips.His hand started to go for my pants but I stopped him “Don’t, you can’t keep doing this”, “Yeah maybe but I know you want me as much as I want you” his hand continued to put his hand inside my pants. He then pulled them down just as he did a couple weeks ago and pushed his dick into me. I was moaning when someone walked in and he quickly covered my mouth and lifted me up so nobody could see my feet and suspect something.

We silently had sex in the bathroom stall with people in the stalls near ours. I looked at him with fear in my eyes as he kept going until he came inside of me. I got dressed and left the stall not even looking at him and I washed my hands and rushed back to class trying not to be suspicious. That night though I sat in my room crying angry tears as I watched the guy who just fucked me in a bathroom stall party with girls grinding and kissing on him.

A couple days later I ended up at his house to drop something off of his brothers that he left at my store. I gave it to him but of course Victor was walking down the stairs at that exact moment and he asked to talk to me. Against my better judgment I went to his room with him to talk but sadly his brother left so if anything bad happened nobody was there to stop it. When we got to his room he closed the door behind me and turned “Who the fuck is he?”, “Who?” I asked confused, “The guy on your story who the fuck is he?”, “None of your goddamn business”, he walked towards me and I back into the wall “Joanna fucking tell me!” he screamed in my face “A guy friend” he took a breath and looked at me “Did you fuck him?”, “What?”, “Did. You. Fuck. Him?” he asked sternly, I didn’t respond and just looked away. He turned “You did didn’t you” he turned back to me “You fucking fucked him!” he yelled and punched the wall right next to my head.

He then went on a rampage destroying everything in his room screaming about me fucking this guy. When he finally calmed down a bit he said “And right after we fucked” that’s when I got pissed “YOU”RE TALKING ABOUT ME WHAT ABOUT YOU?!”, “What about me?!”, “YOU ACT ALL INNOCENT BUT THAT EXACT DAY YOU CAME AND FUCKED ME IN THE BATHROOM TALKING ABOUT SOME I MISS YOU AND I WANT TO TALK TO YOU AND THEN YOU WENT OUT AND WERE FUCKING OTHER BITCHES!” I yelled at him, “We’re not exclusive, Joanna” he sighed, “Take your own advice, Victor” I mocked him, “Ok no that’s different” I gave him a look “How? How the fuck is it different?”.

“Because… Because you could be carrying my baby!” I looked at him incredulously, “What?”, “Well since I came inside of you, you could be” I took a breath, “What makes you think I would tell you or keep it for that matter because you know what if I am I’m getting rid of it” I stopped to breath “You wanna know why? Because I DON”T WANT YOUR DEMON SPAWN INSIDE OF ME!” I yelled and stormed out.

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