v - valdez cousins take a hike.

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V.      LEO   !
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valdez cousins take a hike.

               The woods weren't like any place Leo had been before. He had been raised in a north Houston apartment complex. The wildest things he'd ever seen were that rattlesnake in the cow pasture and his Aunt Rosa in her nightgown, until he was sent to Wilderness School. Even there, the school had been in the desert. No trees with gnarled roots to trip over. No streams to fall into. No branches casting dark, creepy shadows and owls looking down at him with their big reflective eyes. This was the Twilight Zone.

He stumbled along until he was sure no one back at the cabins could possibly see him. Then he summoned fire.

Flames danced along his fingertips, casting enough light to see. He hadn't tried to keep a sustained burn going since he was five, at that picnic table. Since his mom's death, he'd been too afraid to try anything. Even this tiny fire made him feel guilty. But a booming voice took the fire out from fear — fear of his cousin's angry voice.

"Leonardo Miguel Valdez Acero," Dakota's voice echoed throughout the trees. He hadn't heard his full name in so long, he almost forgot he had one: and he had also forgotten they didn't completely share last names. Flores Valdez in the order of Dakota's mom's "name" and their own family name. He remembered Dakota had been told her mom was "Maria Flores", of course now he found out it wasn't her name at all. It didn't make much sense to him. Hephaestus, now they Leo thought about it, had given his mom a fake name too. But he didn't know it. He was kept in the dark about his dad, maybe because he was a deadbeat — no, that definitely was the reason. Either way, hearing Dakota angry scared him half to death.

Leo did a full-spin around to find Dakota right in front of him. Her arms were crossed, her brow was arched, she looked like his mother ready to scold him. That always bothered Leo; how she looked so much like his own mother. "Y que estás haciendo?"

"Dakota! Estoy. . ."

"The dragon is still here, Leo. You can't just wander around the forest!" She stepped closer to him. The last time he saw her she had never worn glasses, but she always had trouble seeing since they were little. Her Spanish was far better than his, granted he lost a bit from how far away he was from his family. Hers was smoother, and still had the Southern Mexican accent like their parents did.

"That's what I'm looking for, Dakota. The dragon, our transport!"

Leo thought he gave Dakota a stroke for a second. She paced back and forth, only giving him her crazy eyes.

"Our transport?" Dakota's voice only got louder the more she yelled. "That was your big idea? The freaking dragon? Leo—"

"Just trust me, Dakota!" He interrupted her. Leo couldn't hide his smile. He missed arguing with her. Dakota pursed her lips to keep them shut but Leo knew she couldn't keep quiet for long. "I have a hunch I can get it under control."

"The dragon only listened to Charlie Beckendorf, Leo. What makes you think it can listen to you?" Dakota said. Leo didn't respond and only relit the fire on his finger. Her face turned calmer. Leo had always been grateful she was the only person who could never judge him for what he could do. But it wasn't exactly a fair trade. Dakota spoke to animals, Leo burns down his home. "Have you figured anything else about it?"

"That it's a curse," scoffed Leo. "Hephaestus cabin said the last person who could summon fire was evil. What a way to make me feel better, right?"

"Your siblings also believe el mal de ojo is out to get them," Dakota smiled. Leo didn't think he would survive at camp if it weren't for Dakota. But it still bothered him how she thought he was dead, and she was left to deal with it on top of being a demigod. But little Leo was too scared to run to his uncle and Dakota. He regretted not going when he had the chance. Maybe his life would've been better.

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