Book(Chapter 2)

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No-one's POV

Taehyung: wiped our memories???

Sun Woo: Yeah, you two were kids

Jungkook: What are you talking about???

Sun Woo: You remember the War, right?

Taehyung: I do

Jungkook: Yeah same

Sun Woo: but do you remember when the War ended or what happened afterwards?

Taehyung: ...... Didn't it ended after The King and Queen died?

Sun Woo: That's right but when? How long did the War last?

Jungkook: .....

Sun Woo: You don't remember right? *I looked at Jimin* Your memories were also wiped by the King himself before he died

Jimin: The King?

Sun Woo: Yes *I looked at Ethan* where is Namjoon?

Ethan: He visited the Estate not long ago, he said he'll be visiting someone in the city

Sun Woo: What about Hoseok?

Ethan: He is in the underworld

Yoongi: Are we going to the City?

Sun Woo: (nods) before that, there's someone I want Jimin to meet

Seokjin: *High Priestess*

Taehyung: Who?

Sun Woo: The High Priestess of Athora

Yoongi: May I tag along? I have something to ask her

Seokjin: Sure Yoons ^^

Ethan: You guys go ahead

Jimin: You are not coming with us?

Ethan: (shakes head) nope my friend wants to meet me, he'll be mad if I don't

Taehyung: You have a friend?

Ethan: I do, why?

Taehyung: You used to be a loner in the Bar, I never thought you had a friend

Ethan: That was just my persona......also didn't you know about me being friends with Jimin?

Taehyung: Nope I wasn't aware until now

Ethan: (sighs) anyways before you guys leave, have something to eat *I said while getting up*

Sun Woo: You are leaving?

Ethan: Yeah it's almost time *while reaching the door* See you all later

Jimin: Bye bye hyun.....Ethan

Yoongi: I'm not hungry so I'll leave first

Seokjin: How come you are not hungry?

Taehyung: He must've went hunting before coming here

Yoongi: I did, anyways I'll take my leave

Jimin: Bye bye Mr. Min

Yoongi: Just call me Yoongi or hyung *while reaching the door* also Kim Taehyung if you give him hard times, you are dead *I opened the door and left*

Taehyung: I.....I don't give him hard times anymore!!!

Jimin: Let's just eat (nervous laugh)

|After Eating|

Seokjin: Are you serious right now, old man???

Sun Woo: I am, I'm sure I kept the book here *I said while looking for the book*

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