Izuku vs Mizu the nephew of Gang Orca!

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Another day goes by and Izuku only has less than a week left before he leaves the west side of the city. Thanks to the villain they caught not too long ago they are now getting closer to finding the location where Trumpet is hiding.

(Shiketsu school gym)

(Izuku talking to his classmates on his phone)
Izuku: Sorry if I never got a chance to talk to any of you guys lately. The west side has been keeping me busy.
Tenya: I see then? No different than back at home here.
Uraraka: It sure has been different since you left UA.
Izuku: Just hang in there everyone. Just one more week to go. I still have some work left to finish.
Mina: So have you been able to make any new friends over there?
Izuku: Yeah they're not that bad when you get to know them better. I've actually learn a lot about them. They even showed me good places that I didn't know that exist.
Shoto: At least you're still in one piece. So is-
Inasa: Is that Shoto?! Hey Shoto! What's happening!
Shoto: Umm hi?
Inasa: I gotta tell you guys! Your friend here is so awesome and he has been a huge help since he first got here! He even helped us find a few strong villains not too long ago! Just in one week?!
Shoto: I see then...anything else I should know?
Inasa: Oh yeah you should! He's even my roommate!
Class 1A: WHAT!!! ROOMMATE!!!!
Shoto: Wait your his roommate Midoriya?
Izuku: Yeah the principal of Shiketsu said I would stay with the Shiketsu dorms for 2 weeks. So they made me stay with Inasa since we are the same grade level.
Bakugo: Your staying with this dumbass?!
Inasa: Hey Bakugo!
Bakugo: Shut it baldy! I'm talking to the nerd!
Inasa: I told you I'm not bald!(hyped as always)
Izuku: He's not that bad when you get to know him better. Kacchen, Shoto you guys should try it next time if one of you gets volunteered one day.
Bakugo: Like I would stay with this bast-(mouth gets covered by Shoto)MMmMmm!!!!
Shoto: We wouldn't mind at all.

(As Izuku was finishing up his talk back at home Izuku and Inasa started training at the gym together along with the shiketsu 1A students)
Izuku: Here I come!(charges at him)
Inasa:(Dodging him)Your quick on your feet?! I can barely get away from you!

(Watching from a distance)
Grand Torino: Midoriya has improved himself more. Especially since he made great work with the Shiketsu's.
Fat Gum: He could have fit in well here if went to Shiketsu instead of UA right?
Grand Torino: Maybe but he is fine where he is now.

(Half an hour later)
Inasa: Man your body is just going everywhere! I can barely catch up with you?!
Izuku: Thanks. Your winds are so strong then I last saw you.
Shiketsu girl 1: You two are so strong together right now.
Shiketsu boy: You two could make a great team together I bet. Nobody in our class can match with Inasa.
Izuku: Seriously?! Nobody can? Is he that too strong for you guys?!
Shiketsu boy 2: Way too strong?! He can literally take down the whole 1st years of us if wants to? He somehow managed to take down a few higher grades from 3B and 2C?!
Izuku: Really?!
Inasa: I guess I never knew my own strength on how awesome I am?!(Blushes a bit as he scratches his head)
Shiketsu 2B girl: Ahh there you are Yoarashi....

Izuku, Inasa, and the other Shiketsu 1A kids see's a small group of higher grades coming in the gym. 3 girls from 2A and one from 2C and 4 boys. Two from 3C and two from 3B along with Camie, Mora, and Seiji.

Camie: Perfect everyone is here. Any who this is the volunteer we were talking about. Izuku Midoriya.
Izuku: Uhh what's going on here?
Seiji: Midoriya meet some of higher ups in our class with us. We even brought in a few 3rd years that are very interested to meet you too.

Shiketsu 2A girl: I'll go first. My name Hana Hotaru from 2A. These girls are my friends from same class since middle school. Cora, May, and Sinon.

Shiketsu 3rd year boy: My name Kyojin Nara from 3B. These are my friends from other middle schools. Tobi, Han, and Envy.

Izuku: Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all.
Tobi: So your the UA volunteer? We've been hearing a lot about you from last week. We didn't even get a chance to see you.
Kyojin: Yoarishi did mention you when you saved that other kid from getting hurt and protecting Yoarashi and Endeavor's son Shoto from being attacked by Gang Orca at the end of the exams you all took.
Izuku: I guess the word spreads fast out here too? I had to do something instead of letting them get hurt even more. Mr. Sakamata really knows how to pick a fight.
Shiketsu boy: Really then? Mr. Sakamata also has some respect for you I see.
Izuku: Huh?(Sees another Shiketsu kid comes in the gym.)

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