Chapter 3 : Troublesome Day (Remake, Enhanced)

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(To Readers : This is chapter 3 but a bit edited. you can skip this if you read past chapter.)

With an unusual haste in his steps, he strode towards the school, a sense of urgency propelling him forward.

Beads of sweat formed on his brow, evidence of the unspoken urgency that gripped him.

It was as though he had a pressing matter to attend to, something he needed to verify, to ensure.

Arriving at his classroom, he glanced around with a mix of relief and trepidation, his eyes briefly resting on Ah Yerin, a familiar face amidst the sea of uncertainty.

A sigh of relief escaped him before he hurried to his usual spot at the back, seeking refuge from the unknown .But his respite was short-lived. Just as he settled into his seat, his belief sank as he watched Lee Jae Yun enter the classroom.

The transfer student took his seat near his bench, shattering the fragile peace that Yihyun had desperately clung to.

He braced himself for the inevitable disruption that Lee Jae Yun's presence would bring to his quiet ghost life.

"You look like a scared little kitten" Lee Jae Yun sneered, his words laced with disdain as he fixated on Yihyun's trembling form. His tone carried a taunting edge, slicing through the air with unsettling precision.

"You know, I could easily mistake you for a girl with that face. Are you trying out a new look?" Lee Jae Yun's words dripped with sarcasm, each syllable designed to needle at Yihyun's insecurities.

"Piss Off Jerk Go play with your little groupies" Yihyun retorted, his voice tinged with a mixture of irritation and defiance.

Lee Jae Yun leaned in, a smirk playing on his lips

"What's the matter, scared of me?" he teased, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Yihyun's jaw tensed, but he remained silent, refusing to give Lee Jae Yun the satisfaction of a response.

"Fine," Lee Jae Yun said with a dismissive wave of his hand, turning his attention back to the front of the classroom and walking away from Yihyun.

But as Lee Jae Yun turned to leave, a smirk playing on his lips, his hand shot out, grabbing Yihyun's shoulder in a tight grip.

Yihyun struggled to keep a straight face, his muscles tensing from the familiar sensation of pain.

His father's visits, often punctuated by punishment, had left him with scars both physical and emotional.

"Get off"

Yihyun muttered through gritted teeth, his voice barely concealing his discomfort.

He stood up from his chair, wrapping his fingers around Lee Jae Yun's arm in an attempt to shake off his hold.Lee Jae Yun's smirk widened as he felt Yihyun's struggle beneath his grip.

"What's the matter, tough guy?" he sneered, his voice laced with contempt. "Can't handle a little pressure?" With a malicious gleam in his eyes, he tightened his grip.

Yihyun's gaze swept the classroom, landing on Ah Yerin for a brief moment before returning to Lee Jae Yun.

"...Stop this"

Yihyun muttered, his voice low but firm.Lee Jae Yun's smirk widened into a sneer as he tightened his grip on Yihyun's shoulder.

"Or what?"

Lee Jae Yun taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "Are you going Hit me?"

"I warned you"

Yihyun said calmly, while smirking.

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