The first thing I noticed when I woke up was how soft the sheets were. And the fact that they were white.
Once I saw this, I immediately knew something was wrong. I allowed my eyes to roam around the room and I noticed other unfamiliar things; a thick cream book shelf at the north wall with hundreds of books, a large basket piled with translucent gloves, a large cupboard that almost reached the white ceiling, a spotless white tiled floor and a first aid box at the corner.

My heart beat faster with each new detail I registered, the smell of cleaning astringent swaying in my nostrils. I tried to rack my head for information but it was in vain. I released a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

A creak lanced through the air and I turned to see a door had swung open and the librarian had come in with a cup of steaming tea and a plate of egg with two slices of bread. Sweat gathered at my forehead as I almost choked on my spit. All the memories from the past few days finally fell upon me like hot bricks.

"Zara, you're awake." He said shortly and the reality of it all sent my heart into a frenzy. I moved away, pushing to the other side of the bed as I ruffled the sheets.

"Stop it, you're making a mess." He chided, his face hard as he said so. I stumbled out of bed, backing away to keep as much distance from him as possible. I found it hard to breathe under the talons of fear that squeezed me.

Did he kidnap me?

What if he wanted to kill me now?

Why am I even here?

Where is here?

"-you're not listening to me, are you?"

Too scared to say anything, I stood  at the corner, frozen.

"You did take after me in that sense then." A sad smile spread across his lips and I barely processed his words.

"What did you just say?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. He was silent for a moment longer.

"I'm guessing you should be hungry by now, here." He dropped the plate and mug on the bed.

"Don't get crumbs on the bed while you're at it." He said, fear and confusion stirring within me. He had already reached the door.

He wasn't going to kill me?

"Was I supposed to kill you?" His words sent another shard of fear, his penetrating gaze straying to me. I was confused at first then I realized that I had said that out loud. My stomach roiled from the tension that seeped through my system. With whatever little courage, I balled my shaky fists.

"What do you want with me?" I finally asked, very much aware of the weight of it.

The man sighed.

"You'd rather not go into that yet."

Before I could speak again, he was out the door. I found it difficult to breathe, my innards experiencing a great turmoil within. I rested against the wall before sliding to the floor. The silence that encased me was filled with so many unsaid questions. I suddenly remembered the allegations that my stepfather had made.

The aroma of fried egg filled every inhale, my stomach grumbled with hunger. Despite myself, I folded my hands over my chest, my stance already set as the salivation in my throat intensified. Turning away from the aroma, my mind focused on the argument with my stepfather.

My heart squeezed in my chest, tears forming in my eyes. A memory encapsulated me.

"I don't understand why you love that child so much." My stepfather said to mummy,

"Why wouldn't I?" I heard the biting tone in my mother's voice.

"Why should you? She's a hindrance to my and the twin's relationship with you. She has caused nothing but havoc in our home."

"What do you expect me to do then? Throw her away?" The anger in her tone was very evident.

"No need to get so worked up, she's just baggage. You should have dropped her the way your rotten ex boyfriend did."

"You don't get to decide who I should leave out of my life."

I don't know how long I sat there, crying, thinking, scratching my blistered skin until everything ached. The window at the side was the only indication of the ever changing time. Soon, darkness had begun to settle and spread far and wide. By the time, the door had opened again, I felt so weak that I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Zara... I'm so sorry about lunch I forgot- Are you alright?" He said as he rushed to me, his eyebrows scrunched as concern was so evidently written on his face.

"Why do you care?" I croaked out before I could stop myself. Something flickered in his eyes and he finally squared his shoulders, as if dispelling his hidden tension.

"I think it's time you get your answers."

Chapter word count:  835
Word count: 20162
I meant to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this. What do you think the answers are? I'm also excited to know. Vote and comment if you liked. If you're participating in the ONC, how far have you gone in your novella?

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