Chapter 17: The Goblin king is... disappointment

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We are in the middle of a plain with a bright sky and a wide plain… the door is standing at our back with no wall at all like a door you see on a certain anime with a blue cat as a main character.

“Aren't you had been here? Why are you so surprised?” Yuki ask in Wino surprised face.

“This is new to me… usually the boss room at 50th floor is just a dark and big room with some torched and big throne.” Explain by Wino

“Then this means that we are in a rare boss room?” Yuki ask me with an excited face.

“I think isn’t that because of the hero <Fortunate> skill? I mean that skill can give him a favorable situation.” I remember when I appraise him.

“So in other words we steal this favorable chance on him? Only demons can do this.” Nina complains with a smile

“We are demons so it’s not that we are in wrong.” I also smile with this favorable situation.

“But where is the enemy?” Ask by Yuki

We hear some marching noise when Yuki suddenly ask that questions. And we saw an army of armored goblins. We got alerted and widen our eyes because they had shiny armors with brand new swords? What the hell! Their number is more than a hundred, some of them riding a wolf and in the center of the battalion a very big goblin with golden armor.

“Hey isn’t this bad? They are so many of them…” Nina is shaking while she ask that.

“I think we can do this. If I will use my tr-“ Wino got interrupted when the door of the room opens and Andrew’s party entered and Britney also there with another bunch of our classmates. We’re 4 parties with 4 members each which mean we are 16 here.
“See? They got in first because of your drama.” Glasses stare at Britney and she only held down her head.

“It can’t be help right? So ladies what rewards did you get?” Andrew ask us and give us his bright smile but I can sense that he aren’t happy at all.

“Great timing can you all help us to defeat that?” Wino ask them and point at the army of goblins.

“What? They are so many can we defeat that army of goblins?” Leonard got close and peek at the army.

“What are you talking? Soon enough we will face an army that have more numbers than that you know? Don’t worry just kill the one who had strayed when we force our way until we reach the goblin king. Can you do it?” Wino question Andrew with a dumbfounded face.

“No no it’s weird if you casually say that like they are just mob monster. I mean isn’t one of that army is the boss on the 40th floor? I mean we had very hard time handling it you know?” Glasses give as a look like he is looking at some idiots.

“So you can’t do it? Then can you leave this room? You are just in our way if you tell me that you can’t do it.” Wino gives them a belittle look.

“Don’t get cocky Princess we are the summoned hero you know? You are just lucky that we defeat the 40th boss when you came.” Glasses snaps and shout at the Wino.

“I don’t care of what you see on me but I will ask you again? You can or not? Nina ready your buff we will engage.” Wino look away at them and order Nina to buff us.

“Don’t be so coc-“ Glasses

“We can.” Andrew interrupted the Glasses guy and unsheathed his golden sword. Also my classmate ready their weapons and Nina started to dance to give us a buff.

“Okay follow my lead. Yuki and I will engage in the frontline, mages will give us support and fire some magic at the front of the enemy until we reach them, healers get ready your heals. Let’s go.” Wino gave an order and Nina finish her dance.

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