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Even though I was enjoying speaking to my sister about Colm and wanting to ask her more about her Threshing, when I saw Violet and Dain speaking I knew I had to intervene. I never liked that fucking kid, but this year he's really starting to piss me off.

I'm not choosing Violet over Teagan. I'm not. I just know what needs immediate attention and what can wait ... I'll make sure to carve some time out later for my little sister. She'd allow that ... Violet would never allow that which means I need to intercept and now.

"Xaden was there," Dain says quietly, but the gentleness leaches from his voice and is the first part of the conversation I hear.

Oh. so she's telling him.

I'm still trying to gauge how good of friends Aetos and Violet are. She's smart and should know to stay away from him, but she never does. I wasn't sure if she would spill her guts about me being at Threshing to him or not. I guess I have my answer.

I know I shouldn't have been in that field. I know I shouldn't have. But I had to.

"Yes." Violet nods. "But he left after Tairn showed up."

Like a perfect little puppet ... answering every single one of his damn questions.

"Xaden was there when you defended Andarna, and then Tairn just ... showed up?" he asks slowly.

"Yes. That's what I just said. What are you getting at?"

"Don't you see what happened? What Xaden's done?" His grip tightens. My eyes go wide at the way his knuckles tighten around her arm. If it weren't for the armor, Vi would have bruises tomorrow. I narrowed my eyes.

"Please, do tell me what it is you think I've done." I asked sharply. The harsh grip sends me over the edge and I know I have to stop this. I will not be a shadow any longer.

"You manipulated Threshing." Dain's hands drop from Violet's shoulders, and he turns to face me, the set of his shoulders rigid as he puts himself between Violet and me.

Fuck him.

I narrow my eyes.

"Dain, that's..." Violet trails off, side stepping Aetos so that she can fully see me. Good.

The way her gaze shifts around me as the wheels in her head turn lead me to believe she knows that my dragon, Sgaeyl and her dragon, Tairn are a fucking powerful bonded pair. .

"Is that an official accusation?" I turn my gaze back to Dain, like he's a hindrance, an annoyance.

"Did you step in?" Dain demands.

"Did I what?" I arch a dark brow and level a look on Dain that would make a lesser person wither. "Did I see her outnumbered and already wounded? Did I think her bravery was as admirable as it was fucking reckless?" I turn to stare at Violet.

"And I would do it again." She raises her chin.

"Well-the-fuck-aware," I roars, beginign to loose my temper. I take a short breath, closing my eyes slowly as I'm shocked by my outburst.

I need to stay calm. I am always collected.

"Did I see her fight off three bigger cadets?" I glare pivots to Dain again, repeating my previous words. "Because the answer to all of those is yes. But you're asking the wrong question, Aetos. What you should be asking is if Sgaeyl saw it, too."

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