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The ground trembled beneath our feet, sending shockwaves of panic through every fiber of my being. With a desperate tug, I pulled Adam towards the door as the room erupted into chaos. Shelves toppled, sending old paintings crashing to the ground, and the walls cracked like thunder, threatening to swallow us whole.

"Ady, we have to go! It's an earthquake!" My voice trembled with fear, barely audible over the cacophony of destruction. Gripping his elbow, I guided him towards the exit, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat of impending doom.

"Anna, hurry!" Adam's urgency pierced through the chaos, his eyes wide with fear as he stumbled beside me. But as we reached for the doorknob, it disintegrated in Adam's hand, leaving us momentarily stranded in a whirlwind of debris.

With a surge of adrenaline, we burst through the doorway, emerging into a scene of utter devastation. Our sanctuary crumbled behind us, reduced to nothing more than a pile of rubble and dust. My heart lurched at the sight, the reality of our narrow escape settling in like a heavy weight on my chest.

"We could have been buried alive," Adam's voice wavered, his face drained of color as he surveyed the wreckage. Without a moment's hesitation, he took my hand and led us away from the crumbling ruins, his grip firm and unwavering.

As we fled southward, the world around us descended into chaos. Buildings swayed perilously, their foundations shaken to the core, while the earth itself split open beneath our feet. With each step, the ground quaked beneath us, threatening to swallow us whole in its voracious hunger.

"What's happening?!" I cried out, my voice barely audible above the roar of destruction.

"I don't know, but it looks like the effects of reverse technology," Adam shouted back, his eyes fixed on the ominous sky above.

And then, as if in response to our desperation, I looked up and saw it. There was no sky, only a swirling vortex of darkness and fire, consuming everything in its path with voracious hunger.

"What is that?" I whispered, my eyes wide with fear.

"It's dark matter, remnants of nuclear energy," Adam explained, his voice tinged with dread. "And it's tearing our world apart."

With each passing moment, the world seemed to unravel before our eyes. But even in the face of impending doom, Adam refused to falter. Hand in hand, we raced against time, our footsteps echoing in the empty streets as we fought to outrun the apocalypse.



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Thank you reader for deciding to read my novel. To help you understand the characters and storyline, book trailer is included in this part of book. Of course you have already watched it, it was at the beginning of this Prologue, right at the top. It was especially made for you. <3

I hope as we journey along this book, you enjoy yourself.


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