36 : My found family

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"You took my soul and wiped it clean, our love was made for movie screens."

"I feel like I'm meeting your parents again." Luke huffs as we walk up the driveway towards Gracie's house,

"Oh honey, this is going to be way worse." I chuckle.

When we got back from my parents house I didn't see Luke for two whole days, I didn't realise how much I relied on him until then.

To be fair it was just because we were both so busy, Luke was stuck at practice since he's still in season and I was always either in class or the diner.

So when we both finally had a free day I jumped at the opportunity but then Gracie invited me to the gathering/party their hosting for the seniors and I couldn't say no.

So I did the simple thing and invited Luke, anyone who complains to me about it can suck my dick. The slight surprise to my plans was that half of Pembroke's hockey team showed up with their captain, their reasoning being 'We follow our captain wherever.' Luke just shrugged with an amused smile on his face.

I think they would "follow their captain wherever" that is, I have feeling they would follow him to the ends of the earth if he asked.

"-you're fucked in the head if you think orange juice is better than apple juice." I catch the last words between the argument currently feuding between Wyatt and Liam as we approach the door to the Meadow-Ridge hockey house.

I take a deep breath squeezing my boyfriends hand as I lead us inside. There's at least 50 people inside but still all eyes land on us as we walk through the house.

Just when we are about to turn a corner into the kitchen Luke spins on his heel so he is facing his team who are trailing after him like lost ducklings.

"No fights. No bullshit coming out of your mouths. No shit stirring. If I catch any of you breaking these rules I will personally make sure the rest of your season is hell. Understood?" All the guys nod at him except for Wyatt who of course rolls his eyes.

"Ok, you can go" Luke says turning his gaze back to me with a smile on his face but an uncomfortable silence remains around us when we look back to see the team still standing there, looking hopeless.

"What are we meant to do cap." One of the guys in the back asks,

"Anything." Luke sighs annoyed,

"Can we go to the living room?" Elijah asks,

"Yes." Luke growls,

"The kitchen?"

"I swear to fucking god, if all of you aren't out of my sight in the next two seconds-its going to be 5am laps around the ice." Luke warns and within seconds the whole team has vanished leaving Wyatt who saunters up to us, slapping Lukes back and giving me a wink as he marches his way to the kitchen.

"Come on, I want to introduce you to my friends!" I grab Lukes hand and drag him with me as I quickly send off a text to Gracie.

Me: WRU?

Gracie: Outside x

"Lizzie! Luke!" Gracie exclaims jumping out of Logans lap to greet us as we step outside, its a sunny-cool day which is not excepted for the winter, there are chairs placed around the bonfire and people crowding around the drinks table.

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