Chapter 23 [Patrol]

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Todoroki was quite frustrated at his failure to get the provisional license, he believes that he isn't really mature enough. He's aware that what he did would've caused people their lives if it was an actual villainous fight. Inasa was the one who started it though, but yet he failed to reason with him. They literally were on the same page cause both of them hated Endeavor a lot.

Todoroki sighs just knowing how infuriated his old man probably is. He feels as if he needs to improve, at this rate he'll be just an ice version of his father. But how will he exactly improve?
Todoroki pondered as he gazes to the night sky. He was laying on top of the roof of the dormitories.

He's aware that he'll most likely bump into one of the Dreemurr's they frequent this spot anyways, apparently the three of them loves staring at the night sky. He couldn't really blame them, it was a captivating sight.

Then suddenly as if a light bulb lit up in his head, he got an idea. Why not ask Stretch to help him with his troubles, he seems quite mature and can probably instruct him on ways to improve. He was most likely to be much mature than the other two. Plus, to Todoroki all of the Dreemurrs seemingly came from troubled backgrounds or something, Stretch seems to already know his stand. Additionally they seem quite close with Aizawa, are they perhaps Aizawa's secret love child or something?

He quickly messaged Stretch, which number he ended up obtaining because it apparently slipped as he had written it on paper and shoved into the phone case.

Stretch Dreemur

Hey Stretch:Icyhot


SmokingBeanpole: You need smth?

Can you go to the rooftop I wanna ask something : Icyhot

SmokingBeanpole: Sure ill be there in a min


'Well that was quick, he'd usually take 30 mins to reply' Todoroki thought to himself. Suddenly a orange light blitzed through, ah speak of the devil.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" Todoroki says as he took a box of cigarettes from his pocket

"I have a question, was I really immature for fighting Inasa back?" Todoroki asks as he sat down the edge of the building, dangling his legs of the edge

"Yep, you could've at least talked to him. You both hate Endeavor anyways" Stretch says as he took one cigarette from the box he had and then put the box back

"Y'know you really shouldn't be smoking in U.A" Todoroki says as he eyed Stretch lighting it up with a lighter and placing it in his mouth

Stretch just shrugged and payed no mind as to what Todoroki had said. The wind howls giving a cool breeze to the two soon Stretch also sits down at the edge of the building

"I want to see that old man's infuriated face upon learning that i did not pass" Todoroki says as he chuckles to himself

"He probably had his face scrunched up n' everythin" Stretch says letting out a low chuckle as he adds "Next time he annoys you, do me a favor; give him a middle finger."

Karmatic Trio (Bad time trio x BNHA) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora