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There he is.. the tall man is named König. You shift energies to each individuals eyes. This man Ghost too, him and König seem close. All seem tense like you're a threat. You just got here, you yourself don't even know what's wrong or what you're going to be thrown into. Price introduces you, and ask if there was questions.. you wait for any normal and even personal questions. But you was met with silence.

"Well if no one is going to speak, I will." You said casually, almost annoyed "I'm not here to fuck around, as Price here knows before you.im one of the best out there. With me, you aren't going to die, be unmasked,-" you look at Ghost and König, as you said this, and back to the rest "-or be outed. I'm here for a long time not a short time." You finish w a small grin and a nod. Quickly Ghost agrees, "I'm not used to a female in the group, hope you can help ease us into having that." He says almost desperately like he needed some type of female contact. "Thank you" you reply softly,"this is good" Price adds "but this does not give you the right to have her treat you like your mother, so keep it professional and neat." "What do we call you?" Soap asks "like a call tag?" You ask "yeah" roach licks his lollipop. "I don't have one.. I can tell I'll get one soon, König and Price got the only real names here." You saw König squirm as you said his name, like an itch or he was uncomfortable. "You'll get one, we just need to see how you work." Roach spoke "I suppose" you replied.

Price dismisses the group back to the rooms, "we have another meeting tomorrow Y/N, I'll text you again for further details. Messages from me are mandatory, and should never be left ignored. "Yessir" you said quickly, and head out following the others. As you walked behind the group, you got a text.

"You've been added to a Group chat Created: 141

Price: Welcome Y/N to the 141 Group chat"

You sent a text back

Y/N: "☺️"

Arriving to your room, you quickly went in and started to undress and climb into bed. Easy day for a newbie. Now let's see what tomorrow brings.

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