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Ariella Anna Accardi

Luciano has been relentless, and I've already climaxed twice. It's torture.

He keeps rubbing my already sensitive clit with his thumb in a circular motion.

"Okay, Luciano, stop now," I manage to say, tears streaming down my face as he continues to pound me ruthlessly, just as fast as when he started.

"I'll stop when I think you've had enough," he says, his fingers digging into my hips.

Luciano Rey Delgado

She's stunning, even with tears streaking down her face, and the mascara smudged. She looks utterly exquisite.

Damn it, she doesn't realize the power she holds over me. If she asked, I'd do anything for her.

Feeling myself nearing climax, I slow down, noticing the evident relief on her face as I ease my pace. She clenches around me, on the brink of her third climax.

With a few more thrusts, I'm cumming inside her, and she's releasing moans that sound like music to my ears.

She's completely wiped out, but she still manages to say, "Fuck, I need a shower."

"Shower in my bathroom," I suggest.

"No, I can-" I interrupt her, insisting, "I insist."

Reluctantly, she gets up from the bed and walks to my bathroom. I hear the sound of the shower start.

I follow her into the bathroom, finding her already inside. I join her in the shower.

"Luciano, we've had enough sex for one night," she says, and I chuckle.

"I'm not here to have sex with you."

"I also need a shower, so I guess we can kill two birds with one stone," I say

She gives me a slight nod before her hands wander over my abs as the hot water forms steam all over the bathroom.


After our shower, I give her one of my shirts and a pair of boxers I've never worn, even though they are quite big for her.

She doesn't bother going back to her room; she just sleeps in my bed.

Ariella Anna Accardi


I wake up with Luciano's arm wrapped around me, holding me close as he sleeps.

Peeling his arm off, I attempt to slip out of bed, but he holds onto my arms.

"Where do you think you're going?" he says in his sleepy voice.

"To my room, I need to make a call," I reply.

"Mhm," he hums, releasing my hand. I leave his room and head back to mine, where I grab my phone and dial my mother's number.

Once she answers the phone, I put it to my ear.

"Ariella, how are you?" she asks.

"I'm fine, Mama. How are you?" I inquire.

"Good," she responds.

"How is everyone over there?" I ask, genuinely curious about everyone's well-being.

"Everyone is okay. As usual, your dad, Mateo, and his team have all been busy," she informs.

"Okay, I really just wanted to check up on you since we haven't talked in a while," I say.

"How is Luciano treating you?" she questions.

"He is actually treating me well," I respond.

"Great," she says.

"Tell everyone I love and miss them. Bye, Mama," I say.

"Bye, baby," she replies, and the call ends. I missed her so much.

My body feels so sore from yesterday, and I'm exhausted. Heading downstairs to the kitchen, I find Lia, Vicky, Sofia, and even Matilda.

"Morning," I greet, and they all respond in kind.

"Would you like some coffee?" Matilda asks.

"Yes, please," I reply, taking a seat behind the kitchen counter beside Lia.

"I didn't see you yesterday," Lia brings up. "What were you up to?"

Disobeying Luciano and getting punished by him. Nope, I can't tell you that.

"I just went out on a mission," I respond.

"Mhm, okay," she replies.

Once Matilda is done making my coffee, she places it in front of me on the counter. I immediately take a sip, honestly not caring how hot it is.

"We should go to a club tonight, have a few drinks, and dance, since Lia is leaving tomorrow," Sofia suggests.

"Oh my god, that's such a good idea," Vicky says, and Lia and I agree.

"So it's final. We're going out clubbing tonight," Sofia says.

Honestly, I can't wait to get out of this house with the girls and get so damn drunk.


I just finished in the shower, leaving my bathroom, I go back to my bed where I previously laid out my outfit for tonight. After putting on my dress, I do some light makeup before leaving my room and heading downstairs.

Finding the girls already in the hall with Bruno, Ruben, and Rafael. It's been so long since I've seen every single one of them.

"Omg, you guys are back," I say, walking down the stairs.

They're all dressed up, so I'm guessing they are coming to the club with us.

"Yep," Bruno responds.

"You're all coming clubbing with us?" I question.

"Yes," Ruben responds.

"Because Luciano doesn't want you girls at a club all alone," Rafael adds, and I roll my eyes.


We arrive at the club, surrounded by luminous lights. Walking towards the entrance, we enter, greeted by the lively atmosphere of the club, full of people dancing and drinking.

The girls and I head straight to the bar, ready to order drinks. The guys don't take their eyes off of us, following specific instructions from Luciano.

We order tequila shots before heading over to the dance floor, where we all dance like nobody is watching.

Suddenly, I feel an upset stomach. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I say, trying to be louder than the music.

"Okay," Sofia nods.

I walk away from the girls and go around looking for a bathroom. Once I find it, I enter and pick one of the stalls.

I start puking uncontrollably until I feel like I'm done. Maybe it's the shot I took or the lady drugged me.

Stepping out of the stall, I walk to the sinks, ready to wash my hands when I feel a hard impact on the back of my head before I see black and fall to the ground.

Thanks so much for reading.

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