Chapter 5

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Your phone buzzed. Groaning, you rolled to the side awkwardly, grunting with the effort used to grab your phone. It was Sunday, and you had spent the whole day rotting on the couch, as usual. Aoi had swung by earlier to try and convince you to come with her to an art lecture, but the day you attended lectures on Sunday was the day pigs start flying.

Azzi: yo wanna come hang?

You freed your other hand from under you, typing out a reply.

You: where?

You hadn't seen the team since Tuesday. Despite the photography club covering for the media team, there really was no need to photograph every practice session, not to mention you and Drew weren't the only ones in the club jumping at the opportunity to photograph the Paige Bueckers. Elise was bound by obligation to give everyone a fair shot. It still didn't numb the spike of disappointment at missing out on certain practice sessions though, you quite liked interacting with this team.

Paige didn't show up to your night shift on Friday. Your head perked up at every new customer, but you never caught sight of the tall blonde. It was to be expected though, you only worked nights on Monday and Friday, but how was she supposed to know that?

A buzz. You picked up the phone.

Azzi: the club

                                                                             Azzi shared her location

You: u guys are already there??

Azzi: yes

Azzi: r u coming?

You paused, pondering your options. On one hand, you were quite comfortable on your couch, and this would ruin your plans for the night and the morning. You also have class, and also have to work the night shift tomorrow. Overall, it was not a good idea.

But Paige Bueckers.

You: ill be there

You slide off the couch and stumbled into your room, rummaging through your closet for an appropriate fit for the night out. Pausing, you pulled out your phone again.

You: can i bring drew?

The reply came not a second later.

Azzi: sure

Humming, you texted Drew about the club, receiving an immediate and very enthusiastic response. Chuckling, you moved back to the matter at hand. Frowning, you skimmed over your closet, finding nothing noteworthy that was clean. Shrugging you picked out a random shirt and skirt, quickly getting changed and touching up your makeup.

Drew: i'm outside

Drew: hurry up

Scoffing, you grabbed your handbag and dashed to the door.

The club was pretty busy, the scent of bodies and alcohol making you grimace as you elbowed people to the side. Drew was not faring much better ahead of you, shoving forward with gusto only to be shoved back. You stumbled into him, frowning as you scanned the area for a certain basketball team. You caught sight of Nika lounging to the left, and immediately tapped Drew's shoulder rapidly.

"I see them."


"Left." I pointed at the area. He seemed to have spotted them, since he started his warpath in that direction. You trailed behind, although you weren't spared from a couple elbows to the torso and stepped-on toes.

wrapped around your finger | paige bueckersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя