Chapter 1

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"It's all in the angle, I'm telling you."

The afternoon sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a golden glow in the club room. You stirred from your position – sprawled against the table – to cock your head in the direction of the smug voice. Drew's infuriating face immediately caused you to twist your features, however, that changed rather quickly when you caught sight of the picture displayed on his camera.

It could only be described as unfortunate. The director's jawline (or rather lack of it), dominated a majority of the picture, the few stray hairs he missed while shaving were startlingly clear. His skin was oily and dry in all the wrong places, the lighting showing no mercy. You could've sworn you saw a booger in the director's nose with the poor camera angle.

"Drew, I think Director Marley would cut all funding to this club if you ever leak that picture."

He giggled like a child, swiveling the camera around to admire his handiwork. This was the true nature of the photography club.

"I'm surprised none of Drew's pictures have been leaked yet," Aoi muttered, eyeing him wearily. He flashed her a peace sign, eyes still glued to his camera.

"I'm not surprised." You sat up, stretching your arms above your head, "He guards that camera like his life depends on it."


Drew bounded over to the table, turning on his heel to unceremoniously plop down on it, "I have a lifetime's amount of blackmail on this baby, wouldn't trade it for the world."

Aoi pulled her lollipop out of her mouth, a scowl on her face, "What would you even do with it?" She waved her lollipop in the air, "Tell them, 'Oh yeah, I have a really ugly picture of you. Give me money?' "


You opened your mouth to input your own very important opinion on this matter, when you were rudely interrupted by the door slamming open. You turned, blinking at the entrance of your club leader.

"Hey, boss."

"I have news – don't call me that – and it's very important."

You raised a brow, the other two also giving Elise their full attention. She straightened her back, a smile starting to grace her features, looking as if she had come with a groundbreaking revelation.

"We, my friends, have been hired to photograph the one and only, UConn Women's Basketball team for this season!"

The effect was immediate. Drew jerked up from his position on the table, cheering with his hands up, a flurry wide eyes and dramatic facial expressions. You clapped modestly while Aoi cocked her head, looking slightly confused.


Three heads turned Aoi's way, and Drew gasped theatrically. "You didn't..." He murmured.

Aoi shrugged, leaning back. You forgot she lived under a rock, often ignoring outside events for the sake of her 'inner peace', as she put it. Drew and her were polar opposites in that sense. The male had a tendency towards gossip, accompanied with a raging fear of FOMO, he was always in everyone's business.

Drew gave Aoi a flabbergasted look. "Uconn Women's Basketball? Award-winning? Absolutely amazing? Very famous?" Her face was blank. "Paige Bueckers? The leading face of one of the best college teams out there?" No reaction. Drew slumped, "I give up. Yo, Elise, don't give that uncultured swine the job. I'm totally up for it."

"Hey! I can always get educated!"

"Too late, you lost your chance. How can you attend UConn and not support–"

"Elise, why are we photographing them?" You questioned, eyes trained on the way Elise grinned. The photography club didn't usually handle UConn sport teams, especially one as popular as the women's basketball team. That was left to the professionals and the media club.

"The media club is out of commission for now – and no, I don't know why – so we were requested to fill in." Elise was positively sparkling, "I have never accepted something so fast. I get to see and speak to Paige Bueckers in the flesh."

You smirked, "Aren't photographers not supposed to show favoritism?"

"But it's Paige Bueckers."

Aoi shook her head lightly, "All this talk about Paige Bueckers is making me curious."

Drew chuckled, "For all the right reasons, my dear." He shot Elise finger-guns. "If I bag Paige, I owe it all to you, boss."

"Isn't she for the girls?"

He shrugged, "No clue, but I'm shooting my shot."

You laughed, "She's so far out of your league, it's almost comical."

"I have charm."

"What? Are you gonna show her your talent in taking abnormally ugly pictures of people?"


You gave him a flat look, "Charming."

"Watch and learn, kid."

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