Chapter 23.

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A/N: This is written to show the girl's day mentioned in the previous chapter. This is Aaliyah's POV and will go more into detail about the day the girls had together. For timeline purposes, I write Jacie's POV first. (Chap. 22) this is the SAME day though.

Aaliyah's POV

As we walk down the strip mall, we window shop a lot of the various bounties there. "OMG, that dress is so cute," Sasha said out loud and we headed into the store. "So Asia, are you nervous about your date with Tony?" I look up from the rack of clothing at her. When we were at the breakfast spot Asia told us he asked her on a date tonight. "Honestly no, I'm glad I decided to give him a chance, He acts so hard and tough around Jacie and them but it's like he's the opposite with me, you know?" I smile. It's been a while since I've seen Asia truly happy about a guy. Ever since the one guy she was dating all four years in high school broke her heart she hasn't been in a real committed relationship. It's nice to see this side of her again. "I'm so excited for us. We are going to have to definitely go on group dates sometime. I'm sure we'll be hanging out more often now that they have to take a break from work." I say walking around towards them. I hold up a sundress I like to show them. "That's cute, it would look good on you boo.", Sasha says and Asia nods in agreement.

After shopping, we decided to stop by this ice cream place that was within walking distance from the strip before getting our Uber back to the Airbnb. "So what y'all have planned for the rest of the day? Besides your date Asia." Sasha asks scrolling through her phone. "Well Ant said we're leaving around 6:00 and it's 3 now so I'll probably take a nap and get up around 4 to start getting ready." "Yeah go ahead and get up that early, your showers be long as fuck for no reason: I laugh causing them to laugh too. "But I'll probably just annoy Jacie for the rest of the day," I say exiting out of Instagram. "Speaking of Jacie" I look up at Asia and feel myself start to blush. "How's that going? And what exactly is it?', "Yeah, I heard y'all had a time last night." Asia and Sasha laugh together. I think back to last night, to what I said to her. I sigh, "She asked me to be her girlfriend," They both squeal in excitement, "Then we had sex. Which was great." I look up seeing them smile, "Then I said I love you and she didn't respond." I see their smiles drop and concern covers their faces. "But I'm not mad about it, it slipped out and that was my first time having sex know and it was an emotional thing, so it's fine really." I feel my chest start to hurt. It wasn't okay honestly, I wasn't okay. "Liyah, those words don't just slip out. You feel that way and there's no need to deny that. Life is too short." Sasha says and Asia nods, "Yeah she's right. Plus you don't have to lie to us about your feelings." I frown. I look down feeling tears in my eyes. I hate being a sensitive and emotional person. This crying shit is lame honestly. "Don't cry Aaliyah," "I just don't want to fuck us up, we just started. She knows everything bro like everything." I sniffle and wipe my fallen tears."I get that bae but loving her won't push her away. Besides Jacie's hard-ass self needs that from someone. Maybe she'll stop being so reckless." Sasha says, rolling her eyes at the end. "Sasha what's that nickname Ant and them call her mean? Shoota?" I hear her sigh. "It's hard in the streets, especially since Jacie started young and she's a female. But that's not my story to tell, just know she's been through some shit I wouldn't wish on anybody." I nod. "But like I said Liyah it's nothing wrong with loving her, shit I told Jordan I loved him a month into us fucking around, now look at us. Still in love with each other years later." The rest of the car ride was silent, which I was grateful for.

*Timeskip* (After the last chapters nap.)

I open my eyes hearing the shower running and slowly get out of bed. I check my phone for the time 8:56 PM. "Well shit we're about to be up all night, we slept way too long," I say to myself. I go to Asia's text thread and text her to see if she's here. While I wait for her response I grab some clothes from out of the closet and my towel, about to walk in the bathroom when I hear a ding. I checked my phone to see Asia responded saying nobody was home and that they went to the beach again. I walk into the bathroom. "Ma that you?" I hear Jacie say from inside the shower. "Mhm." I hum while stripping out my clothes. I walk to the shower, open it, and get in. "Hi, baby." I saw hugging Jacie from behind. She has her hair twisted and it's up in a bun. "Come in the front, I'm done now." She says grabbing my arms and pulling me in front of her. I turn around facing her to see her looking down at my body, "You just wanna see me naked." "It's not my fault you sexy as hell ma. Plus ima stare at mine." I grab my washcloth and begin to wash my body facing her, I smile seeing her eyes follow my hand up and down my body. "Coming in here starting shit ma chill out." I hear her say low, her eyes lustful. "I'm not doing nothing, baby. Just taking a shower." She scoffs looking at my face to see me smiling. "Aaliyah keep playing with me and ima fuck you up." She kisses me before getting out of the shower. I laugh to myself, I didn't intentionally come in here to fuck with her but you could say it worked in my favor I guess. 

A/N: 1062 words.

not saying nothing I- my bad fr. forgive me for my absence. I'm out of ideas now after the next chapter. idk what to make happen next. Comment some ideas 🙏🏾.

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