chapter two: the end game

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Meanwhile back with me and these psychos. Axel and Bella are arguing about who's the inside killer as I watch Shelly stitch Jacey up from a womb on her arm. Shelli looked like she was called to the blood. She looked as of she was ready to attack. Guys Shelly's about to attack! I run in the room with Jacey and start fighting Shelly. I knew it was her! She looked suspicious! Bella said. Virginia looked at everyone fighting and trying to save Jacey. She quietly walked away and Went outside and walked a little ways down the trail away from the building. That bitch tried to kill me. Jacey said.

Virginia's pov:

I walked to my meeting spot where I'm supposed to get orders from Dimitri.i stood there for a minute and looked around. I heard a noise behind me so I turned around and looked. A hand slid over my shoulder as I quickly turned around to see Lola instead of Dimitri. Why are you here? Dimitri said your taking to long with getting rid of everyone around Vanessa...... Do I need to step in and start killing people you love Virginia?No please, I can do this I just need more time. I start panicking. It better get done fast.......once it is you report back to me so I can take her to him. Lola said. I understand.  This better not get out of hand to the point where I have to come fix your mess or your mine......Lola pulled me close. Don't screw this up. She backed away and left. I went back inside the building and walked to the far side of the building so I wouldn't be caught sneaking in.

Lola's Pov:

Dimitrus  walks past me. So I heard you've been busy sis? Yes I'm trying to help you find Vanessa that's all I want to do. Mmmm well we need to get some of the humans on our side before  they try to take us down. We have plenty of humans but if we need more than I can help with that. How? Don't worry about that, do you need them? Yes. Fine then it's settled....I'll go search for them and keep and eye on our other crossed over humans.

Lola grabs her things and begins to search with a few of her minions. Lola felt as if she was being watched.she knew who it was. You guys go ahead I'll catch up. The boys went ahead of her. You can come out now, were alone.kayka comes out of hiding. You know watching me is very outdated even tho I can tell why you'd wanna watch me. I need to talk to you. About what? The humans, there are acting dumb and naive, they don't realize that you could kill them with one heart beat plus they forgot you even exist because they want Dimitrus dead now .....that's why they wanted the blueprints.....they don't know that I got them from you. Kayla said. And why are you telling me this again? I asked .Because I trust're the only one actually doing something to make this more interesting,your brother is sitting on his ass and ain't done shit,it's kinda annoying. Kayla said.I slowly walk down the trail. That is my brother so don't push it. Don't you hate him tho, that's the reason you want Vanessa. Kayla quickly puts her hands over her mouth. I stop in my tracks. How did you know about that? Kyle told me a few things which I already knew you knew that I knew. Did he tell you everything? No he only told me that you were looking for Vanessa. Well, Vanessa doesn't remember but I have something she wants. What's that? Kayla asked. You'll find out eventually. Can I ask you something?Kyla asked.  What? What's it like....... being a vampire? She asked. It isn't lonely unless you make it lonely, you can do what you want and not be tamed by being  human. Immortal is the best thing you'll ever have. I looked at her. If you had the opportunity to let another person feel that same way would you let them? Kayla asked. I started back walking. I feel like I know where this is going. Then what's the answer? I look her in the eyes with a little squint. I don't think your ready for that plus I still need you human. What else do I need to do? I need you to check in with our other busy friend.... Virginia. I know she's with Vanessa but she's taking to long with killing everyone around her.Ill help if you need me to. I grabbed her chin gently. You know what your getting yourself into right? I wanna work for you, I want to be useful to one else. Well unless you can kill all that's around Vanessa or.......I look at her stomach and put one hand on it. I countiue....make me some babies I'm afraid you won't be useful to me. I let go of her.  plus I have a better idea since Stefan wants Dimitrus dead now is the perfect time to use your group and walk them right into the pit of his hell and watch them burn.I wanna make him think that I'm willing to help when all I want is for my brother to focus on them instead of me. So....why exactly are you out here? He wants more vampires but the thing is he can't leave the facility without his day I'm immune to the light the only way you'd be able to kill me is with a special bullet. What's the bullet called? Kayla looks interestingly. Sapphire Moon powder. There's none like it because we destroyed it so long ago so there's no hope for it. I know how I can help. How? I looked at her. I can make the babies as long as you can find someone willing to do it. You'd do that for me? Like I said .....I'm only serving you.

Then in that case..... I snap my fingers and one  of my minions walks up to us. Take her back to the facility and use ... him and tell him not to forget what I said. Yes Ma'am. My minion said he lead the way as Kayla followed him. If he backs down let Gordon know Kayla. I said looking at her. She turned and looked at me and nodded her head and started back following Gordon.

I start back on my trail soon we find a pile full of humans and I began killing them one by one. There were a few children so we took them back with us.

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