51. The Unexpected

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"If we were cats, you would be the love of my nine lives."


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"Sorry, we were late." Taehyung pushes the door open with the card given to him at the entrance. Jennie following him next. They're awfully quiet as soon as they get in. The environment in the room everyone is in not so good either.

"It's alright." Namjoon is reading a magazine. Doesn't look up at anyone. The rest others are eyeing you, Jungkook, Jennie and Taehyung.

"I'll be right back." Taehyung takes his leave. Jimin notices the awkwardness between him and Jennie. He follows him out and the rest others get busy with their own business.

Jennie comes and sits next to you. "The VIP floor." She's admiring the view, it's five-star. From oversized armchairs, walnut woodwork, glided mirrors, and crystal chandeliers to decorative vases it had everything.

"Credits to Rose." Hobi crosses his arms and tries to lighten the environment. "She's close to Jimin and reserved this floor for us." He smiles, "Not just this room but the entire floor." He sits upright, eyes smiling, "Ya'll go pool, there's a tennis court too, also, a bar. Should visit I must say."

Jennie nods her head, "The model right?" She hums, "I've seen her on the way here." She takes a small gulp, "I love her." She appreciates her, "Wanted to design clothes for her. Been my dream to work in a fashion brand, maybe one day."

Jin looks up, "I heard the team is looking for some fresh ideas." He is giving Jennie the suggestion to go ahead with it, "You can post your portfolio, resume or your previous projects." He smiles and clasps his hands together. "Besides, Jimin can be the reference through Rose."

Jennie looks like she's found treasure. Her breath wavering. Hands clammy all of a sudden. She has only dreamt of this.

You hold her hands, soothe her and she looks so out of place. "I–I don't know what to say." She forfeited on her dream but it looks like the path is clear. She is being pulled towards it. It was fate.

"She'll be going overseas." Jungkook comments, who's sitting right next to you. He bends forward to see Jennie, "You should apply for the position as soon as you can."

Jennie is glowing pink. She palms her cheeks. All worries are gone. Her eyes blink. "Right."

You pat her back and she takes a deep breath. She suddenly remembers something. Frowns at you. "Heard about the incident outside. I'm sorry." She clasps her hands with you and you shake your head, "It's alright." Bend back so Jungkook is visible, "He helped me."

Jennie gazes at Jungkook. He's busy picking something on his shirt. She blinks back at you, "Not a very good birthday now is it?" She feels bad for Jungkook and you do too.

"It's not over yet." Yoongi who's been quiet since then speaks up, "Let's just unpack, and meet at the dining hall in an hour?" He gets up, "Sounds good?" He asks and everyone's wrapping up. "Yes." They get up and prepares to disperse.

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