Chapter 4: Charlie

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This is my first story so if you have any suggestions please let me know! I hope you are enjoying this story so far! 


          "Alright do you have everything that you will want and need for the whole week?" Charlie's mom asked.

          "I think so," Charlie responded.

          "Let us know when you get to Cleveland and when you finally get to the hotel nearby the ice arena," Charlie's dad said. They each then took their turn hugging their son before he went through the security line at the Los Angeles International Airport. Charlie made it through the security line and walked to the terminal and had an hour to hang out before they started boarding his flight. He was very excited that he was finally on his way to the summer training camp and to hopefully meet Sierra. The hour long wait felt more like a several hours wait but they finally started boarding. He stood up and grabbed his bag and waited in line. Ten minutes after everyone was boarded, the plane was making its way to the runway.

          The Uber finally arrived at the hotel. Charlie checked in at the front desk and got his hotel room key and then got settled into his room. Then he decided to walk to the ice arena so he could see what the path was like and get a good look at the layout of the ice arena as he had seen it was a massive building. Once he got inside, he found the room that held an Olympic sized ice rink and a smaller NHL sized rink. He saw that there were a ton of young skaters on both rinks. He stood and watched them, hoping to spot Sierra but he didn't see her in either of the groups.

          He then continued to explore around the ice arena and found a work out gym, two locker rooms, two meeting rooms, and the offices. Just outside of the office doors, there was a wall that had many hanging picture frames of skaters who had won a gold medal and among them, he spotted Sierra. Sierra was standing on the podium at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, holding her gold medal and grinning happily. The picture frame beside that one showed Sierra standing in between a man and a lady who were dressed up in formal wear. 

          "May I help you?" a female voice asked. Charlie turned around and saw a girl around his age with blonde hair, the same girl that he had seen on the one video with Sierra. 

          "I'm just checking out the arena, I'm signed up for the fourth week of the summer training camp," Charlie responded, "I'm Charlie Bushnell." 

          "Welcome to the Wellington Figure Skating Complex Charlie," the girl said, "My name is Samantha but most people call me Sammy." 

          "How long have you been skating for?" 

          "I've been skating for twelve years, ever since I was four. What level are you at with skating?" 

          "I've actually have only gone skating once and then when I saw this really cool opportunity, I decided that it would be really nice to be given lessons from the top skaters and the top coaches in the U.S." 

          "Awesome! I really hope that you'll enjoy it." 

          "Also I had a really quick question if you don't mind." 

          "Sure, what's your question?" 

          "Do you know Sierra Tracy well?" 

          "Yes I do, actually her parents and my parents were really good friends and so Sierra and I have been friends since and we're almost as close as two sisters would be!" 

          "That's really cool that you two have a really close connection!" 

          "Yup! Well, I have to get going to my practice time but I will see you later!" 

          "See you later!" 

          Then Sammy walked towards the women's locker room. Charlie then walked back to the hotel. 

          It was finally Monday and the start of the lesson. Charlie had arrived early so that he could participate in the off ice stuff that they did before heading out onto the ice. 

          "Alright everyone!" Sierra said, "All of the adult beginners, you'll all be with me! First and foremost, we're going to work on marching forwards. Remember to keep your chin parallel to the ice, your arms out for balance but do not let your arms go above your shoulders, and lightly bend your knees." 

          They did several minutes of marching before moving onto a few other beginner ice skating moves. They did a full thirty minutes of lesson time before they got free time to practice on their own. Charlie managed to only fall once during the whole time. Charlie waited around for a short bit, hoping to meet Sierra. But before he could get a chance to, he saw that she and the other figure skaters were already out on the ice. He stood in the warmer viewing area and watched the figure skaters. They were all mostly doing their own thing. He then closely watched Sierra who was finally getting to her jumps. Charlie could hardly believe how Sierra made the jumps look so easy. He then saw her skate over to the wall and talked with another woman whom he guessed was her coach. 

          All of the skaters practiced for an hour and a half before getting off the ice. Charlie left the viewing area to the rink and managed to finally get to Sierra before she left. 

          "Hey Sierra!" Charlie called out, causing Sierra to turn around. 

          "Oh hey!" Sierra said, smiling at Charlie, "What's your name again?" 

          "I'm Charlie Bushnell," Charlie said, "I was hoping to meet you before you had left Learn To Skate. I watched you practice just now and you're really amazing! I'm just learning how to do some of the basic things and here you are at the same age doing all of these amazing jumps and spins!" 

          "Um thank you," Sierra said, blushing slightly, "Well, I need to get going but it was nice to meet you!" 

          "See you later!" 

          Sierra then left to get her skates off in the women's locker room. Charlie left the ice arena and walked back to the hotel, happy that he finally got the chance to meet Sierra. He found that there was a text on his phone from his talent agent about a possible role for Luke Castellan in the upcoming Percy Jackson and the Olympians Disney series: 

          "The casting director for the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series is looking for an actor who could play Luke Castellan. Would you be interested in auditioning for the role?

          "I would be interested in auditioning though I will be busy this week but will be back home next week, my flight should arrive back at the airport in Los Angeles at 11:30am.

          "That should be fine.

          Charlie then went to the fitness center at the hotel to do a quick workout and then showered afterwards. After eating dinner, he decided to take a deeper look at the character Luke Castellan. 

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