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After leaving the hospital, I hailed a taxi and gave the name of the community where Yi Tian lived.

The driver kept looking at me in the mirror, probably because he was surprised that someone who lived in such a wealthy area still took a taxi.

Non-resident vehicles are not allowed to enter there, so I got out of the car as soon as I reached the gate of the community. Because I am not a resident, and I cannot prove that the residents inside are my relatives and friends, the security guard will not let me in. I had no choice but to wait at the door.

If Yi Tian is at home, the best case scenario is that I can stop him at the door when he goes to work in the morning. If he is not there... I smile bitterly in my heart. I have no other choice but to wait at the door. I could have gone to Yi Tian's company, but he hates me pestering him in public. If I anger him, I may not even have the last resort, so I don't dare to take the risk.

At first there were some cars coming in and out, but gradually it became so quiet that there was no sound at all. I took out my phone and checked the time. It was already 2 am. I didn't sleep all night after being woken up by a dream last night. I worked in the supermarket during the day and was in a state of stress at night because of my mother's illness. I didn't have any rest all day. Now I'm so tired that I can almost fall asleep standing up. With.

When I was feeling sleepy, two headlights suddenly came from the front. The lights were very dazzling, so I shielded my eyes with my hands and took a few steps back. Only when the car slowly approached did I recognize it was Yi Tian's car.

I ran over quickly, worried that Yi Tian would not stop, so I gritted my teeth and rushed to the car.

The screeching brakes sounded, and the car stopped dangerously less than one meter away from me. The car door suddenly opened, and Yi Tian rushed to me unsteadily, holding my collar and gritting his teeth: "What the hell are you doing!"

It was only when I got closer that I could smell the alcohol on his body. He seemed drunk. I pulled down his hand and said anxiously: "Yitian, I have something to do..." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly leaned forward and came close to my ear, with a sarcastic smile in his voice: "Who promised me that we will never do anything again?" You didn't show up in front of me either? How many days have it been?"

At this time, the car door on the other side was opened. Lin Han came over and pulled Yi Tian away. He turned around and punched me. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mu Ran, you must force me to kill you, right?" He also wanted to rush up and hit me. Yi Tian stopped Lin Han, stretched out his hand to rub his eyebrows, walked up to me for a while, looked at me and said, "Why did you come to me?"

Probably because he was drunk, Yi Tian's eyes looked strange. Instead of the disgust and impatience he usually looked at me with, I even felt that there was something... similar to expectation in his eyes.

Probably because I was overthinking it, I shook my head, wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth, and spoke softly: "I know that I am not qualified to ask you, and I also know that you don't want to see me again. But Yi Tian... I really don't There's a solution... Can you..." I swallowed and mustered up the courage to finish, "Can you lend me 100,000 yuan?"

It was quiet.

When I looked up, Yi Tian's eyes could almost freeze me into ice.

Lin Han suddenly rushed over and kicked me hard in the stomach: "Do you dare to be more mean? How can you still have the nerve to ask for money! Ha... Yi Tian, I was right, how could this guy? If he gives up so easily, how could he leave without getting some benefits?!"

Lin Han kicked me one after another. I fell to the ground, holding my stomach and curling up into a ball. I tried my best to explain: "No! I will pay back! I will pay back..."

Yi Tian turned around and staggered to the car. Lin Han quickly left me and followed. I struggled to get up and ran quickly to Yi Tian, stopped him and begged: "Yitian, listen to me, my mother is sick, she needs surgery... I can't raise money without my job..." I panicked. I wanted to explain in a panic and incoherently, but Yi Tian waved my hand away impatiently and interrupted me with a sneer, "Didn't you say you were an orphan? Now you have another mother?"

My breath froze and I didn't know what to say. Or I can tell everything, but I'm not sure Yi Tian will have the patience to listen to me. Seeing that I was stunned, Yi Tian ignored me and walked around me to get in the car. I was worried. If I let Yi Tian go now, I don't know when I would see him again next time. I don't have time to delay it any longer.

Thinking of the doctor's words, I gritted my teeth, clenched my fists and said expressionlessly behind Yi Tian: "I still have photos."

Lin Han turned around and looked at me with wide eyes, as if he didn't believe what I said. Yi Tian still turned his back to me and showed no reaction. I took a deep breath, pulled an ugly smile from the corner of my mouth, and continued: "What I gave you that time was just some photos and negatives. I still have several copies in my hand. If you don't give me money, I will send you tomorrow, no, today Just send them out."

Yi Tian suddenly turned around and walked in front of me, reached out and pinched my chin to lift my face. The expression on his face was extremely gloomy, and he almost gritted his teeth and said, "Mu Ran, or can I kill you now?"

I held my breath, Yi Tian's eyes made my heart palpitate, I knew that this time he really had murderous intentions.

I opened my mouth to explain seriously, to tell him everything, and to ask him not to deny me forever because of my past mistakes. I am not here to ask for money, and I don't have any photos in my hand... I want to say many, many things, and I want to give him everything I have in my heart. I told him all my sadness and confusion, because I know that even to this day, he is still the most attached and dependent person in my heart. But he looked at me with that look, as if he wanted to skin me, remove my bones, and cut me into pieces. How could he listen or believe it? My pain cannot buy his sympathy. On the contrary, they are the most worthy of celebration in the world for him.

So in the end, I just stared straight into Yi Tian's eyes, tried to calm my voice and said, "You can try."

I was punched hard in the face. I staggered back a few steps, and finally lost my footing and fell to the ground. Without looking at me, Yi Tian took out the check from his body, took out a pen and wrote it, then threw it in front of me: "Don't let me see you again."

"Yi Tian! How can you give him money! If he succeeds this time, there will be another time. Do you want to be entangled with this bastard forever?" I was reaching out to pick up the check, and Lin Han ran over and stepped on it hard. On my hand, I groaned in pain, but my hand was still firmly covering the check, and I would not let go no matter how painful it was.

Yi Tian frowned and rubbed his temples. I knew he would have a headache once he was drunk. Lin Han also noticed it, walked quickly to Yi Tian and asked anxiously: "What's wrong? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

"Drive me back." Yi Tian pushed away Lin Han's hand that wanted to help him, reluctantly walked to the car, opened the door and got in. Lin Han couldn't care about me anymore and hurriedly followed me. Before leaving, he looked back at me, his eyes so sinister that it made my whole body shiver.

The car drove past me, and I stared blankly at the disappearing car lights. Thinking back to Lin Han's expression at the end, I felt uneasy. But at this time, I couldn't think too much. I stretched out my hand to wipe the blood from the corner of my mouth. I picked up the check and ran down the way I came.

The night wind hit my face, and my face became cold without realizing it. I stretched out my hand to wipe away the tears. I comforted myself in my heart: It doesn't matter. When my mother is cured, I will work hard to return the money to Yi Tian. Regardless of whether he is willing to listen to my explanation or not, at least I want him to know that after three years of being together, I was never for his money.

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