moving day...

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Heyyy so at the moment there are like 8 views and thats probably all im getting ever but to those 8 people, thank you for reading!

enjoy this one, im actually pretty happy with it!

happy reading,


Today is the day. The day we move into dorms and also the day I face the fact that I have been completely neglecting. I have to live with 5 fucking guys.

I hoist the final box up into my arms and shut my car hood before spinning on my heel. I groan as I realise the east building is on the other side of campus, meaning I get a lovely arm workout today. Great. I start walking towards the path when I spot Noah walking across the quad towards me.

"Hey Maddy, you need any help with that?" He asks as he slinks to my side. I, being the person I am with an extremely fragile ego, refuse his offer before I realise he just called me Maddy? Where did that come from?

"Did you just call me Maddy?" He grins a lopsided grin at me and wraps an arm around my shoulders, which definitely makes it easier to walk. Not.

"Well I would call you Hales, but I have a feeling that if I do that, Liam might honest to god sucker punch me, and, Maddy look at this face" He sighs solemnly before continuing, "its too pretty for that"

I burst out laughing, almost dropping the box as he narrows his eyes at me.

"Is something funny here? Because I was not joking" He drawls, with mock offence lacing his tone. 

"No no, Noah you're a very pretty boy. How you fit your head through the door with your huge ego, I'll never know, but its a pretty head so its ok" I smile as I pat his cheek, earning a withering glare from him. Doesn't work on me though, been there done that.

We continue on towards the dorms joking around and teasing each other before I realise that I'm getting way too comfortable around these boys, and all of the warnings that I've heard about them come flooding back. Except, looking at the grinning boy in front of me, something doesn't fit right. 

The rumours of all the shit these boys have supposedly done don't match the personalities of the people I've met so far. Me and Liam never talk about the fact that he's part of the group, that there are rumours about him too, I just trust the fact that he's my best friend and I love him. I obviously cant do the same with the others.

Either way I need to be careful, I've come too far, healed too much to be broken again. From now on my heart is under lock and key. As it always has been.

We arrive at the front door to the dorm rooms and Noah grabs the door knob, but before he can open the door, we head yells coming from inside. He swings the door open and what I find leaves me speechless. James, Ian and Liam are running around the living room with fucking pillows in their hands, hitting each other like there's no tomorrow and judging by the death stare Liam just gave Ian for hitting him in the back, there might not be. I clear my throat to get their attention and all 3 heads swing towards me. 

"Um...hi Hailey" James chuckles sheepishly. I feign anger for a few seconds, watching all of them  squirm, before I break out grinning like a mad woman. They erupt into cheers and shouts and I can feel their relief across the room. Wait. But why would they worry about whether I was mad? Do they actually care? Are they trying to be considerate...and before I go down that  very complicated spiral, I shake my head and glance back towards the boys as the fighting resumes, leaving feathers strewn everywhere. 

"That room's yours and Liams by the way" Ian points in between hitting James and getting hit my an extremely mad Liam. I grab as many boxes as I can from the front door and beeline my way towards my room before I get hit with any stray pillows. Once I'm inside I take what is probably my first breath today, leaning the back of my head against the door frame, closing my eyes for a second. Before I know it the boys have stopped their little escapade and I'm still here, leaning against the doorframe when the silence starts to creep up. I've never liked silence, its too ... calm, its too empty, its the deafening chaos that lies in the silence that gives me that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

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