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But even so, when she couldn't find the road or the direction, she could only find one direction and eat everything she could find, including roots, leaves, wild vegetables, unknown berries, and even It's bugs.

She didn't know how many wrong paths she took during this period. It took her two years of walking in the mountains and forests before she saw anyone. At that time, she didn't know how long it had been and whether she was still a human being.

How many times have I trembled and hid in a tree listening to the roars of wild beasts in the mountains? How many times have I been hungry because I couldn't find anything to eat and ate bark and leaves? How many times have I been burned out and had to grit my teeth to hold on? Think about it. At that time, she didn't know how she managed to survive. At that time, she only thought about getting out alive.

When she walked out of the forest and saw the house and smoke in the distance, she knelt on the ground and cried hard. She cried loudly for her tragic fate, the pain she suffered, and for her new life.

After crying, she thought she could be happy, but life was cruel. She had never read a book at all, could not recognize all the words, and had no ID card or household registration. What could an illiterate black household do?

She could only do jobs that were dirty, tiring, smelly and paid little money, and she had to worry at all times that the evil boss would deduct her wages or default on her debts. It was very difficult for her to find such a job. At that time, she even thought about dying, but she couldn't bear it when she thought about those four years when life was worse than death. She suffered so much just to live, and she was unwilling to do so!

She still hates Tang Guihua's family and Qiao Panpan for ruining her life. She wants to live like a human being, and wants to send them to eternal hell one day so that they can also taste despair, she doesn't want to give up just like that!

She has been working in this place for two years. She has encountered deadbeat bosses, bad people who want to bully her, and mean people who have deducted her wages. During those two years, she has lived no better than a beggar. A little better.

Later, she was robbed and met a kind-hearted middle-aged policeman. After learning about her, he opened the back door for her and helped her apply for household registration and ID card. Her life became easier and she was finally able to Get a normal job.

After she got her identity, she went to the south to work. It was then that she lived like a human being. There she met someone who didn't care about her past. He greeted her and asked her for help. He was extremely considerate and was like a warm person to her. The sun warmed her heart. Although he was stupid, he gave her the best he could have. She had never met love, but at that moment she knew she had met love.

But God was so cruel to her. Just when they started talking about marriage, she was hit by a car while walking on the street. When she was sent to the hospital, it was unexpectedly found that her uterus had fallen off and she would never be pregnant again in her life. Maybe another baby.

When she learned the news, she was completely stunned. She didn't know when her uterus was gone. Her rights as a mother and as a woman were gone. She cried like crazy and cried out that it was impossible. Crying that God would not be so cruel, she held the doctor's hand and begged them to re-examine her, but the fact was the fact and would not change because of her despair.

Half a month later, the man who had deceived her parents for her and who didn't care about her past proposed breaking up, and she accepted it because she knew that this day would come sooner or later, because no matter which family it was, it was impossible. Accepting a woman who couldn't bear children, she didn't expect to end up turning against her, but she also didn't want to find a man to start a family.

After she recovered, she left the south and came to Beijing to work. At the same time, she also began to learn to read by herself. She knew that there was no hope for her life. She would be the only one living in the future. If she wanted to save some money for retirement, she would Have enough knowledge.

She worked as a nanny, worked in a restaurant, sold clothes to others, and also set up her own stall. She did many jobs. She was always alone. Even if a man chased her, she never considered it. She was always alone. One person only focused on making pension money until he got Jiuyan Space.

When she saw such a magical place, she had hope, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Even if a cultivator has the ability to reach the sky, it cannot be created out of nothing, unless the body can be reshaped when cultivating into Nascent Soul. Otherwise, there would be no way to get her lost uterus back, so even though she was never short of money in the end, she was as lonely as a dead person. She never wanted to experience the despair of not having hope again.

Thinking about it later, the uterus fell off, which probably happened during the miscarriage due to being beaten by the three demons in the mountains. It turned out that her life was ruined in the hands of Tang Guihua's family.

So if she had to do it over again, she would never let herself go to such an abyss of despair. She could have her own children and her own home, but she would definitely make Tang Guihua and the others pay the price.

Following the sheep, Fang Yuxi held a small whip and drove the sheep back into the group from time to time. Herding sheep was really novel. This was her first time. Without the despair of her previous life, she felt Everything in the world is so beautiful.

After being curious and playing for a while, Fang Yuxi lost interest and directly found a place with lush green grass to stop. With this green grass, these sheep should be enough to eat.

Seeing that the sheep had something to eat and would not wander around, I found a few types of grass that the sheep liked to eat and planted some in the space. I directly found a large shaded tree and placed a square piece of grass. Just lie on the tablecloth and enjoy the coolness of the mountains and forests in summer. Even if the sun is hot, it is so cool under the shade of the trees. Life is beautiful and full of hope everywhere.

Zhou Yan woke up drowsily in the cowshed. When he opened his eyes, he saw the dilapidated cowshed. He smiled bitterly and his voice was a little hoarse. "I thought I was going to heaven this time, but I didn't expect to be alive."

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