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✨3rd Person POV✨

Hiding away from any eyes, Asha and (Y/n) wore capes to better protect their faces as they stood behind a pillar in the courtyard. The fanfare went off and all of Rosas were gathered in front of the castle. Posters were around the kingdom, displaying (Y/n) and Asha's faces with 'WANTED' across the top. 

Valentino hid inside Asha's cape and Aster was in his star form, hiding in (Y/n)'s hood. "We have to find Dahlia and the others," Asha whispered.

Three heartbroken citizens sat on stage with the main guard gesturing to them. "Look at these poor people! Asha and (Y/n) stole and destroyed their wishes. They must pay!" 

A bright green light that looked like hands appeared, frightening the citizens and the teenagers. "Your faces! It's okay. You're okay. It's just a play on light. You know I love you, Rosas." The King laughed.

Staring at her mother behind the King, (Y/n)'s eyes saddened at the scared and sad Queen. 

"The Queen looks scared," Asha whispered.

(Y/n) frowned. "Mama..." She whispered to herself. Aster made a sad whine.

A mouse's squeaks caught the group's attention, causing the star and princess to share a look. "I think we're thinking of the same thing...again." She giggled. The star squealed and went down the girl's cape. "Be discreet though." She whispered.

"You are all probably wondering why you are here. Yes, there are savage teenagers running around with a star, destroying wishes. But... guess who bravely came forward and identified them." The girls squinted their eyes in hopes of getting a better look. 

"Give a big cheer for Simon O'Donohue!"

(Y/n) gasped as Asha's mouth dropped. "Simon?" They whispered in unison.

"I know, I know! Tell me, I was as surprised as you all. Our sleepy little Simon here. No need to be nervous, Simon." The King laughed. "Be proud! Show us your joy!"

"So, my dear Simon, are you ready to see your wish?" Simon's wish appeared in the king's hand and the boy gasped in awe. "To be the King's most valiant, courageous, and loyal knight! It is my great pleasure to grant you your heart's desire."

Simon was lifted into the air and his clothes changed into one of a knight's. He grunted in pain and fell to the ground before bravely standing up with a sword in the air. "Long live the king!"

(Y/n)'s frown deepened as the starboy hid in her cape again, looking at her with worry.

"There are six more traitors, Your Majesty. Dahlia, Gabo, Dario, Safi, Hal and Bazeema."

Aster pointed over beside the girl and the duo noticed their friends sneaking away. The girls clutched their capes and ran after them.

"Find them, so they may pay for their betrayal. Find Asha, and (Y/n), so you may be rewarded. But most importantly, find me that star, so I will have the power to grant all of your wishes!"

Asha and (Y/n) gave chase to the group, following their shadows until they came across a small empty alley with nowhere to go. "It's a dead end," Asha muttered.

Valentino bleated and rubbed his butt again an abandoned piece of mahogany. The wood went loose and the girls crouched in front of it. "Good find, Valentino." The girl patted the goat.

"Whoa! So, this is where you go when you sneak off, huh, Bazeema?" Gabo's voice could be heard at the end of the tunnel. "We're safe here," Bazeema told the group.

"No, we're not safe anywhere. We're fugitives, thanks to Asha and (Y/n)." Gabo shouted. "They said they just wanted Asha's family to have their wishes back," Dahlia told the short boy. "Oh, and you believed them?"

✨I Make This Wish✨ Human! Star X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now