CXI. tribute to my best friends

43 7 12

As I filled my worries in an overflowing cup
Once again I slipped, my spirit draped in mud

I walked and walked and continued on my journey
With nowhere to be, no one with me

I stumbled and slipped and hurt myself again
Then someone on the way said "wash your worries away"

I did, and found myself amongst a few souls
Who made me feel better, made me feel whole

They took my hands in theirs and promised me "for life!"
And since, they've always been with me through every single strife

I prostrate to my lord every single day
To show just how I'm grateful, for these beautiful sun's rays

And I don't know just how
Just how I must thank them

So I hope through this poem
They'll know just how I love them

Once, I felt stranded with no place called "home"
Now, now I know
Just where to go

Itsher4710 , ridhs_0710 , hanaonthenet , pages_of_april , notherlily_1908

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