My Diary (Cassandra )

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I gazed at my diary, bewildered by the many events of the day. Opting for a refreshing shower, it suddenly dawned on me that I lacked spare attire.

My heart sank once more. Not only had my uncle and his wife given me away, but they also denied me the right to claim anything that was truly mine. As I surveyed the room anew, my eyes fell upon an immense closet. With a mix of curiosity and thoughts, I rose from the bed and approached it. As I swung open the doors, a breathtaking sight unfolded before me: an array of garments in various fabrics, styles, and designs. Luxurious bags adorned the shelves, and there, in a separate section, lay hair extensions—something I had never owned but instantly recognized as high-end. And the shoes! Oh, let's not even get started on the shoes!

What sort of luxury is this displayed before me?

Just how rich is this man?

Oh how rich is my husband, lol that sounds weird.

I picked a nightwear from the closet and went straight to the restroom to shower.

After showering, I picked up my phone and saw 24 missed calls from my best friends, Patral and Clara.

I knew I was in for a big explanation, where do I even start from?
Back on my bed, I remembered he asked me to come downstairs for dinner.

I was famished but too tired to go downstairs. I heard a knock and stood to go open the door, and there he was my black alpha. Lol. I don't know what struck him, but he stood devouring me with his eyes. Then I became shy knowing the nightwear was too revealing. If I was him I don't think I'd be able to resist me.

Before I could say a word, he reached out and crushed his lips over mine! surprisingly I responded immediately. Our tongues played with each other then I felt his fingers in between my thighs which sent shocking waves down my spine then I stopped him.

His eyes were filled with desires, ready to devour me.
"I'm famished" I whispered without looking at him. I was so shy that I wished the ground would open and swallow me.

Third kiss in a day, with a stranger who proposed marriage to me and I accepted.

We went downstairs to have dinner, and the ladies who I assumed were maids due to their attire came to where I was sitting in the dining,

"Hello, ma'am," they murmured, their gaze shifted toward the floor. The air thickened with awkwardness—I sensed that we were all peers, sharing the same age bracket.

"What would you prefer?" they inquired.

"Anything is acceptable," I responded, my discomfort palpable.

"Arial, make a selection," he directed at me.

"Truly, anything will suffice," I reiterated.

With a snap of his fingers, he beckoned one of the maids to approach him.

She approached, and he instructed her to fetch the menu for me. Initially, I felt perplexed—why would there be a menu here? After all, this wasn't a restaurant. As I waited, my curiosity grew.

Upon her return, she handed me the menu. Its pages revealed an array of dishes, many of which I had never tasted before. Some were entirely unfamiliar. In the end, I settled on 'basmati spaghetti' a choice that seemed both simple and comforting.

He also requested the same meal as mine. The maid departed and returned with a spread of food: an assortment of proteins, fruits, and wine.

We dined in absolute silence, our words suspended in the air. Yet, I sensed his eyes stealing glances at me intermittently.

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