Chapter 21

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TW: Abuse, Blood, Violent Fantasies, Body Dysmorphia


Y/n met the underground rebellion. While she met them, Evelyn allowed Valerie to kill her husband Tony after Tony revealed the rebellion location. Tati is sent to go to the rebellion location and bring back every rebel there along with Y/n. While Tati is on her way Y/n meets the leader who happens to be Vincent, Valerie's ex-husband who everyone believed was dead. After the two are reunited Tati shows up breaking up the reunion and sending everyone in the underground base to the rest of the Elites. When y/n opens her eyes she is tied upside down while the rebellions are seen in cages naked and tied up. Evelyn shows up and removes Vincent from his cage only to kill him off in front of everyone as a reminder to not mess with an elite. After this Evelyn sentenced female rebels to mutilation and slavery in the breeding farms while males are sentenced to death. After this, the reader passes out from being overwhelmed and exhausted."

All caught up, good now onto the story! (sorry about the wait) :3

My claw gently stroked your cheek as I looked at your unconscious face with narrowed eyes. Why did you have to go and defy me like that? Just when I was going to forgive you for your insolence in my meeting room the other day, you turned around and made a muck of my image as a God.

I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth as my claw ever so slightly knicked the skin of your cheek, causing crimson blood to slowly drip from the cut. Humans. So small, so helpless... So stupid. I bent my head down slightly closer to yours before licking up the trail of blood from your chin to the cut on your cheek.

With that, I licked my lips as I raised my head away from yours once more. Oh y/n, what am I to do with you? I sigh as a knock on my door breaks the once-peaceful silence. I stand to my feet after adjusting the blanket covering your body. I walked to my vanity before sitting down and applying some more lipstick to my lips.

"Come in, Aimiah."

With that, my daughter cracks open the door and walks in with feigned confidence as I glance at her through the mirror before continuing what I'm doing.

"What do you want, my daughter?"

My ears perk up slightly at the quiet sound of her gulping.

"I was just wondering if maybe I over y/n instead."

I glare at her through the mirror as I slowly place my lipstick down, making sure to pop my lips one last time. I turned towards her slowly before standing up once more and walking towards my daughter with a dangerous glint in my eyes. Her posture fell slightly as I towered over her small form.

"Are my keen eyes not enough for you?"

She shook slightly as I placed my manicured index claw under her chin, forcing her to look up at me. I let out a scoff as I dug my claw deeper into her chin, causing blood to stream down from the wound and onto my finger.

"Words Aimiah."

I giggled tauntingly as her figure shook like a wet dog left out in the cold. She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. I tilt my head as my glaring eyes widen. This causes her to open her mouth once more, but this time, something comes out.

"I-I just d-don't think leaving y-y/n with you is a g-g-g-good idea."

I blinked. This...insolent child thinks she has the right to tell me what's a good idea and what isn't. I look past Aimiah as I stare at her long hair...the hair I gave her.

Without a word, I remove my claw from her chin and walk toward Tony's side of the bed. I opened his bed drawer and grabbed a pair of scissors.

Silently, I walked back towards my daughter as she looked at me with confusion written all over her face, but she didn't run. She knew better than to run from me. Without any hesitation, I grabbed her throat and yanked her to my height. She struggled against my hand as she choked out a plea.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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