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Yeah, I know, this part tends to suck. However, its gotta be done, so I'll try and make this as quick and painless as possible. 

1. Follow this account: This isn't for more followers for me, but so you can get updates on this awards book and don't miss out on any important information. You don't have to vote or comment on any of my books if you don't want to, I only want votes and comments to be if you genuinely enjoyed my books. 

2. Add this book to your library: Again, this will help you not miss out on any new pages that I publish, I don't want any of you to miss out on anything 

3. Only books in English allowed: I'm sorry, I only speak English and unless one of the judges mentions that they speak/understand another language fluently, I can only accept books in English

4. Have at least 5 chapters in your book: The judges have to have something to go off. I don't care how many reads or votes or anything there are on it, but please make sure there are at least 5 chapters. Again, it doesn't matter if you have a lot of chapters, but just warning you that your judges may not read all of it. If there is a specific part that you feel they should read, please mention it in your form. 

5. Only 2 submissions per author allowed: To allow a fare chance for everyone, I will only allowed two submissions in total per person. Only one submission per category as well, which means that you could have one in fanfiction and one in romance, for example. Mini awards still count as categories as well. 

5. Username/Book Title Change: Please let both me and your assigned judge (when announced) know if you change your username or the title of your entered book. This will help to limit any confusion and make sure everything flows smoothly  

6. Mature books: They will be accepted, but please make sure it follows the Wattpad guidelines. You will be asked to specify any mature content in the forms. We want this to be a comfortable place for everyone. 

4. Follow your judge when they are announced: Another way to not miss out on any important info!

5. Shout out. Please give this book a shoutout on your profile just so we can have as many people join as possible!

5. Be nice! Bribery, rude comments, bullying etc will not be tolerated in this awards. I want this to be fun for everyone, and it won't be if I have to kick out people. 

If you have any questions about these rules or anything you want to add to them, please reply here and I will have a look at all comments as soon as possible!

If you have any questions about these rules or anything you want to add to them, please reply here and I will have a look at all comments as soon as possible!

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