lviii. don't stop

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this chapter is a little ✨spicy✨ at the end, so if that's not your thing then feel free to skim/skip :) a little bit of a filler but we'll get back to the canon plot line next chap :)

as always, please feel free to comment!!! it really encourages me to write more when i see what you're all reacting to :)




"I know I said no, but we both know circumstances have changed."

Kiara leaned against the bed of Bella's old truck, having basically accepted ownership of the vehicle ever since Bella officially became a Cullen and had started driving Edward's car around. Her and Jacob had pretty much been gifted the old orange truck by the newborn, but he much preferred scootering around on his bike.

Sam sighed as he pulled his jacket on, the fleece lining on the inside acting as a stark reminder that colder weather was certainly coming. They might not have felt the heat as much as the others, but the pack still had to stay warm in the Winter. 

Kiara used to love the Winter. Now... it was a cold slap-in-the-face as Alice's vision about snow on the ground seemed to loom closer. They were running out of time.

"Look, it's only temporary," Kiara continued, moving round to the bed of the truck and lifting the crate out of the back. Kiara rolled her eyes, rolling up her sleeves and grabbing the second crate of potted plants. "Once all this is over, we'll go back to two packs. I just think with the arrival of all these... unknown red-eyes, we'd be better off with a united front for now."

"I'm not sighing because I don't want to co-alpha with you," Sam replied, rolling his eyes playfully as they headed towards his and Emily's cabin. "I'm sighing because it's temporary. You know I'd love to co-alpha with you regardless of circumstance."

"Getting too old?" Kiara joked, the man shooting her a side-eyed glare as he placed the crate down on the porch. Sam turned to look at her with his hands resting on his hips, his eyebrows creased a little as he stared at her.

"I'm not that much older than you!" Sam grumbled, a good-natured smile tugging at his lips. Kiara only grinned back, her canines flashing in the winter daylight.

Kiara's gaze drifted over Sam's shoulder to the gleaming eyes of Paul, the grey wolf watching them from a distance - always alert and protective. Sam followed her gaze before lowering his voice to prevent the wolf from hearing them.

"It'll give you time to decide what you want to do about Paul," Sam mused. "I know he approached you about joining you and the others."

"I know what I want to do," Kiara admitted without a second of hesitation. "I just don't think dividing the packs at the moment is a good idea."

"You know, you wouldn't have to divide them at all..."

"...if I took over," Kiara muttered, rolling her eyes. "I know, Sam. You're not the only one that's nagging me about accepting my birthright. Jake's been... pretty vocal about it recently too. He thinks it'll be better for protecting Renesmee if we're one again."

Sam snorted.

"Ironic," he started. "That Jake - of all people - now wants us to be a big happy family."

"You're telling me," Kiara said with a gentle laugh. "Who knew all he needed was an imprint to finally get some maturity knocked into him?"

"Love has a way of doing that," Sam replied, glancing towards the spot where Paul was before his eyes returned to Kiara. The unspoken words hinting at Rachel and Paul. She chuckled lightly and shook her head, a soft smile creeping across her mouth once more.

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