Chp 20: Jealous

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"5 more seconds Y/n." I let out a grunt and I held my balance. Rehab. Three times a week, every fucking week. I'm still recovering from my fractured ankle from early in the season. We are nearing the end of the first half of our season.

I'm hoping to return at the beginning of the second half. My trainer has said January is most likely when I can start playing again.

"Andrew bro. This shit is so tiring." The trainer laughed at me and walked to get some torture device.
I let out a groan and sat on the table. Since we were at the end of my rehab session, I just needed to ice my ankle.

When I was done with my rehab session I made my way to my car. I sat around for a while before I decided to head back to my apartment. I had nothing else to do for the rest of the day besides some homework.

As I entered the apartment I was hit with the smell of chicken. "What cooking good looking." I announced once I locked the door behind me.

"Y/n shut the fuck up bro." I laughed at Didi while hooking my keys up by the door. "Please tell me this is for everybody Di." The girl nodded at my question.

I let out a squeal and ran to hug her from behind. "You are the bestest ever." Didi laughed and pushed me off of her.

"I know I am." I decided to leave to girl alone to cook whatever meal she was deciding to prepare. I love that I have roommates that I actually like.

Before I decided to torture myself with doing homework, I took a shower so I didn't feel like complete shit.

As I settled down to start my homework, I found myself staring at the page, the words blurring together in a confusing jumble. Frowning, I tried to make sense of the assignment, but it seemed like a difficult task.

Contemplating my options, I thought about calling Normani, knowing she's always been a reliable source of help. Yet, hesitancy crept in along with numerous questions.

Would I be bothering her? Would she have time to assist me? After wrestling with the dilemma for what felt like an eternity, I reluctantly decided to reach out to my ex-tutor.

Our last encounter was filled with awkwardness, mostly on my part. Maybe she forgot about the whole cousin thing. It has been about two weeks since she walked in. I rarely even talk to Justine.

I shut my brain off from producing more questions x I'm just going to call her. I took a breath and when to face time. I quickly shook my head to adjust my hair.

I looked up Normani's name and pressed call. It rang and rang... and rang. Fuck this. I moved my finger to press the red button but it suddenly said connecting.

Oh fuck shit

I cleared my throat and then Normani's face filled the screen. "Hey Mani." I pushed out. Why am I so nervous.

"Oh my gosh, thee Y/n Carter is on my phone." She said in a high pitched voice. I chuckled at her and scratched the back of my head.

"Yes it is I. Y/n Carter the one and only." The girl shook her head at me with a smile plastered on her face. "Get a grip. What's up with you tho. You haven't called me since like September."

I rolled my eyes. There is no way it's been that long. September was literally not that long ago. "Don't say it like that. You make it sound like I haven't talked to you in months." She returned an eye roll.

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