chapter 21

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( Suggest listening to Photograph by Ed Sheeran while reading this hehe)

I felt my body was numb, I tried to move, but even a slight change caused so much pain in my body.

I slowly opened my eyes and the bright light immediately flashed into my eyes. I groaned, feeling my head pounding

" Hi "

Then I heard Dad's familiar voice just beside me, I opened my eyes again and my vision slowly started clearing.

Dad was standing from the chair beside the hospital bed, moving the lights out from my face, and looked down at me, with tears filled in his eyes and a smile on his face

" D-Dad? " My voice came out hoarse. He's okay, he wasn't harmed

"I'm here, im glad you're finally awake kiddo " He replies

and places a kiss on my forehead, i don't know why but hearing his voice again makes me happy. I extended my other hand and he quickly held it to his

"I'm sorry for leaving you, " I said

my voice almost bare like a whisper as Dad shook his head, tears streaming down his cheek as he smiled at me.

" shh, there's nothing you should apologize about. I understand " Dad says, I shake my head at him.

My apology wasn't enough to heal what I left broken to my Dad

" Hey, listen to me. See, I'm alright " His voice turned soft and comforting as I stared at his eyes, trying to calm my breathes

" I understand why you have to do it, and you didn't do anything wrong Stella. You chose to do it to protect me and your sister " Dad continued

and placed a kiss on my knuckles, feeling his tear land on my skin

" You didn't know how I am right now that you're awake, I didn't leave your side for two weeks. I waited for you "

Even though my body was still recovering, I sniffled and wrapped my arms around him

placing my head on his shoulder as Dad hugged me back

Im not Charlie's real daughter, we're not related by blood. But I wish he could see how thankful I am to have a second father like him in my life

He raised me since I was a baby, he was there when I needed someone the most. He was the father I could ever ask for

When I pulled away, I smiled tearfully at him. Seeing the cast wrapped around my right wrist where memories flashed into my head, the moment when James nearly killed me

" Bella told me you went to the Cullen's house before you left. Carlisle was trying to stop you until you fell down the stairs and broke your wrist " Dad softly says and gently touches my arm

I took a deep breath and nodded, and then I remembered

" W-Where is he? " I asked

worry lingering in my voice as I thought something bad happened to Carlisle

My eyes roam around the dark hospital room but I couldn't find him. Something didn't feel right, why did my heart feel weak?

Dad let out a sigh

" Guilt is eating him up. I tried to talk to him to visit you but he just couldn't, so his other adopted children we're the ones that are visiting you every day... They care so much about you, Stells " Dad explained

I couldn't help but not to smile when remembering the kids, of course, they were.

" Are they here? can I talk to them? " I asked

Dad nodded and stood from his seat. Placing a soft kiss on my head as I watch him walk out of the room

I stared at the empty ceiling beneath me, I survived. And luckily, im not a vampire yet

" Mommabear! "

before I can even react, in a second. Four cold bodies were pressed against me

I froze in shock, but when I looked down, I realized it was them.

"It's good to see you, " I said softly when the other three pulled away.

Emmett stayed for a quiet second to hug me tighter before letting go. They stood together with smiles on their faces, I understood why Edward wasn't here

"How are you feeling? " Rosalie asks, slightly worried as Emmett places his arm around her shoulder.

I smiled and laid back on the pillow

" So good now that you guys are here... D-did I killed him? " I can't help but not ask as the two guys look at each other and chuckle, shaking their heads

" you didn't, but we made sure we burned all of his pieces " Jasper replies, I sighed in relief

" But hell, you can now destroy vampires, huh? Don't want to see that dark side of yours, momma bear " Emmett adds, causing me and the others to chuckle

" Bella just got out from the hospital, she's safe and Edward is with her. You saved her " Alice softly says and wrapped her hand around mine, I took a deep breath and felt something was missing

" Where's Carlisle? " I asked

Causing the four siblings to look at each other, Rose sat beside me in the bed with a small yet sad smile on her face

" he took out the venom from you before it can turn you. But... Dad hasn't visited you yet since you came here in the hospital " She begins

i furrowed my eyebrow as Emmett crossed his arms on his chest

" he thinks you nearly got killed because of him " he continues.

Making me throw my head back and groan quietly

" your dad can be an idiot sometimes, honestly, " I said in a joking way causing them to laugh

" he needs you "

No, I needed him the most

Wowieeeee thank you to everyone who continued reading this story! I appriciate everyone of you!!!!

Nearly cried writing Stella and Charlie's moment huhu, *grew up with an absence father 🤧

Anyways. Thank you everyone!

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