Chapter 27

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Author's POV

"Let's go we have pick Mom from Airport." Ishika said.

"Ok. Let's go." She took Abhimaan's hand in her and started walking towards the elevator.

"Use my elevator from next time." Abhimaan told Ishika who nodded in return.


Ishika and Abhimaan were standing at the Airport. 'The private airport of knights' would be more appropriate sentence. There was no sound suddenly the clicking of heals could be heard.

"My baby!" Someone spoke.

When Ishika and Abhimaan turned. They saw a woman with dark blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Mom!" Ishika yelled and went towards her Mom. She hugged her mother.

"You wanted me to meet your boyfriend?" Sarah knight asked a bit sternly this time.

Ishika nodded happily she held her mother's hand and dragged her towards Abhimaan.

"Mom he is-"

"Abhimaan Singhania. Who doesn't know him. The title given to him is the most 'cunning and ruthless businessman' who does not like anyone and does not think twice before killing." Sarah said looking at Abhimaan who just smirked. While Ishika just raised her eyebrow.

"Well he is dating my baby I had to do some research." Sarah said and shrugged.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Knight." Abhimaan said.

Sarah nodded smiling at him.

"Let's go." Ishika said.


The three were now sitting in living area of Ishika's Mansion.

"Mom, are you tired or hungry? I got your room ready." Ishika said.

"No baby, I'm not tired or hungry but I surely want to talk with this boyfriend of yours." Sarah said.

"Mom please." Ishika said.

"Ask what you want to ask Ms. Knight." Abhimaan said.

"Why are you dating my daughter?" Sarah asked.

"Because I like her." Abhimaan said.

"What about her do you like?"

"Her. Everything about her."

"Any motive behind dating my daughter?" Sarah asked.

"Yes." Abhimaan answered.


"To marry her." Abhimaan answered.

"Will you be there for her and with her?" Sarah asked.


"What if someone hurts her?" Sarah asked.

"I will kill the person."

"What if that someone is you?"

"I will die before doing that." Abhimaan said and Ishika gasped at that.

"Stop it you two. It's Enough." Ishika said and she went to the kitchen.

"Look if you think that my daughter does not know about you being in the mafia then you are wrong." Sarah said.

"You are a bit wrong Ms. Knight I'm the mafia, I am the leader." Abhimaan said.

"I don't care what you are and what not. Just don't hurt my daughter." Sarah said.

"Ms. Knight it is my promise that I won't hurt your daughter." Abhimaan said.

"Are you two done?" Ishika asked.

"Let's have dinner now."


Ishika and Abhimaan were sitting in Abhimaan's car on their way to the ice cream parlour. It was 11 in the night and Ishika wanted to eat ice cream and ofcourse Abhimaan being Abhimaan he agreed.

"What did you two talk about?" Ishika asked and Abhimaan raised his eyebrow in question.

"You and Mom." Ishika replied.

"Just her threatening me and me listening peacefully." Abhimaan answered.

"You and peacefully? I'm impressed." Ishika said.

"Weren't you impressed earlier?" Abhimaan asked.

"Well yaa but now I'm more impressed." She answered.

"Stop." Ishika yelled.

"What happened?" Abhimaan asked startled by her.

"There's an ice cream parlour there which is open." Ishika said.

"I thought there was something serious."

"Well it is serious let's go." Ishika said.

Ishika quickly got off when the car stopped. When she noticed that Abhimaan didn't get off the car. She opened the door for him and bowed a little adding a dramatic effect. When he got down she held his hand and dragged him along with her. When they entered the ice cream parlour they saw a guy standing on the counter.

"What would you like to have, ma'am?" The guy asked Ishika blushing a little.

"one scoop of Cookie n cream and one of chocolate and add a little bit of chocolate syrup on top of it. What about you?" Ishika answered and smiled politely at the guy and directed the last sentence to Abhimaan.

"I don't like ice cream." Abhimaan said and Ishika just shook her head.

The guy went towards the counter and got Ishika's ice cream ready. Ishika payed for her ice cream and the went outside.

"The guy was cute right?" Ishika asked Abhimaan.

"Who?" He asked.

"The ice cream parlour guy." Ishika said and Abhimaan's eyes darkened after noticing this Ishika quickly said,

"Not more than you." Abhimaan smiled brightly at that.

"Are you sure you are 29? You act like an 8 year old." Ishika said.

"Only if you knew." Abhimaan mumbled to himself.

"Did you say something?" Ishika asked.



"Marry me." Abhimaan said.

"Aise nhi hota." Ishika whined.
(It's not like this.)

"To kaise hota hai." Abhimaan asked cutely.
(Then how?)

"That's for you to plan and figure out." Ishika said.

Abhimaan opened his mouth to say something but Ishika just put the spoon of ice cream in his mouth. Shocking Abhimaan and making Ishika laugh.

Hello mere Chaand sitaro 🌙✨,

How are you people doing? Sorry for late update and thank you for supporting me.

So do you people like Ishika's mother? What do you think about her?

Pls vote and comment. Take care my lovely people 💗✨.

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