February 28th, 1933

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Leyna flung the door to the classroom open, causing a huge bang. Twenty heads turned to look at her. She caught her breath for a second and fixed a strand of hair that had been misplaced. She stared at her five friends who in return, stared at her.

"Did you see the news?" she loudly queried. Her classmates exchanged disgusted glances with one another.

"I like to avoid the news," Liese said in response. "It's always so depressing."

Leyna rolled her eyes. She swiveled back to the four others staring at her with alarmed expressions. Frau Keller appeared like a ghost waiting for revenge. She huffed and grabbed Leyna's arm, forcing her into a seat. Leyna smoothed her skirt and pulled out her notebook. This satisfied the teacher and she turned to the board. When Leyna was sure that Frau Keller was no longer paying attention, she rotated to face the others.

"Na?" Pieter interjected. "What's the news?"

"The Reich burned. It burned yesterday and I didn't know about it until now," she told them with pursed lips.

"I thought that was old news," Otto speculated.

"Shh," Mena quickly shushed him, flapping a hand in his direction.

Frau Keller glanced over at the group speaking under their breaths. She set down the math book she was flipping through.

"And that's a detention for Fräulein Hernon and Herr Engel." Frau Keller made a note in a book and peered up at the two surprised kids.

Liese's hand flew into the air.

"They weren't even talking," she complained. "I was talking. It's not their fault. This is unfair."

Leyna looked at Liese, her eyes wide. Liese nodded her head before turning her eyes back to the teacher.

"I just think we should take a closer look at this situation at hand." Liese folded her hands on top of her desk.

Frau Keller motioned for Liese to stand up. She did so and the teacher hit her cheek. She pointed to the hall and Liese left, her cheek stinging. As the class watched her leave, Werner spoke up.

"I think we should have a revolution. Down with Frau Keller!" he declared, raising his hand above his head. He grinned and looked around. Otto shook his head in disappointment.

Werner soon joined Liese in the hall.

After class, Otto, Pieter, Leyna, and Mena reunited with the two in the hall. They decided to ditch gym. Mena resisted, saying that they would get in trouble.

"Number one," Werner started, "Herr Weiß doesn't even realize we're there. And number two: I'll buy you something at the bakery." He smiled and Mena gave him an unbelieving look. "I'm made out of money. It flows through my veins."

With a laugh, Mena agreed to skip the class.

The group of friends ran to the bakery to buy something. As they ate their sweets they sat on the step in front of the shop. Leyna explained to the others what she had heard on the radio and read in the newspaper.

"Since Hitler overtook the newspapers on the 14th, there've been a lot of articles about how the Communists are going to kill us and overtake our government. Honestly, the Communists are a little scary. Anyway, yesterday Hitler passed another law. It said something like they're restricting public speech and that they can take over the government if need be. Oh, the worst part is that they can arrest government officials without a cause!"

"Really?" Mena gasped.

"I read the decree and it said that if the government doesn't agree with it, then Hitler and his SA can arrest them for a year or something like that. I guess the 'German farmer' is in trouble now," she said.

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