Should He Suspect Her...

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Jim was making breakfast, since neither of his roommates were up, when someone frantically knocked on the door.

He lowered the heat on the scrambled eggs to practically nothing and went to get it, while Douxie opened his bedroom door and poked his head out, still in the black t-shirt and gray-and-blue plaid pants he wore as pajamas and his hair wild.

Cara stood on the other side with Irene close behind her, watching the street.

"You'll never believe what happened last night," Cara said as Jim let them in and closed the door behind them.

"Do I need to get Krel for this?" Douxie asked, rubbing the inner corners of his eyes.

Krel opened his door. "Why are people talking at 7 A.M.- Cara? What's going on?"

"Gage thinks I'm human," Cara said. "I don't know how or why- I guess the magic Irene's used all these years to disguise my Akiridion energy signature paid off? But that's not the point-"

"Why would Gage be able to sense your energy signature?" Archie asked from where he loafed on the back of the couch.

"He's in the cult," Cara answered so quickly she nearly seemed to have blurted it. "He- he took me to their base."

All three boys, plus Archie, stood straighter in shock.

"Where is it? How many of them were there?" Douxie asked.

"I'm not sure," Cara said. "There were two floors and a bunch of rooms and side passages I couldn't see into. But- I saw about forty people, if I had to guess. And the seal! I saw the seal. And Gage told me what they call themselves: 'The Order of the Red Sun'. They want to drive every paranormal person- magical, mythical, extraterrestrial- out of Arcadia."

Douxie looked at Jim. "Can you ask the trolls to get black tourmaline for us?"

"Yeah, sure, why?" Jim asked.

"It wards off demonic magics," Douxie said. "Cara could engrave the seal on it without any risk of actually unleashing any of the demon's power, and Irene and I could finally figure out the demon's identity."

"There's another option," Cara added, "but I think I want the other Trollhunters and Akiridions here to discuss it."

Jim texted Claire to portal everyone surreptitiously to the Mothership, since she could get everyone directly to their living room without it appearing to someone outside as though there were a gathering happening. He then texted Blinky to get to work on finding the stone.

In ten minutes, Aja, Denar, and Kaius (who had gotten up early to all go hiking together), as well as Claire and Toby, were gathered in the living room.

"Did something happen?" Claire immediately asked Jim, concerned.

Cara went over what she'd learned from the cult again before presenting the rest of the plan.

"Gage is expecting my answer on whether or not I'll join his order at rehearsal this afternoon," she said. "If I say yes, I could go in undercover and maybe find out the demon's identity."

"Absolutely not," Krel and Irene said in unison.

They glanced at each other, whereupon Krel mumbled "after you", and Irene looked back at Cara.

"I know you'd rather be the only one put in danger," she told her little sister, "but even as strong a fighter as you are, Cara, this is too much and too dangerous for one person to handle alone." She looked to Krel, waiting on his argument.

"And what if something goes wrong and he finds out you're Akiridion?" Krel asked, coming closer and putting two hands on Cara's shoulders, holding her hands with his other two, just for a moment, for emphasis. "You'd be trapped, all alone, in a fortress full of paranormal hunters! The risk far outweighs the possible benefit. And besides, now that you've seen the seal the cult uses, we can identify the demon that way. If we can get the same benefits as you infiltrating the cult in a way that won't put any of us in danger, why wouldn't we keep you safe?"

Cara sighed through her nose. "But what about all the people who might get hurt while we're trying to figure things out? Irene told me that the book about demons, huge as it is, doesn't have every seal or demon out there in it. Can we afford the time it'll take, not only to search this source of information, but to find others? Not to mention we all have jobs and plays and colleges to deal with to keep up appearances. It may be better for everyone in the long one if I'm the only person at risk."

She sighed. "Listen. I'd love to stay as far away from the cult as possible. The feeling in that place..." she shook her head, looking up at Krel. "We need the information. And I can't let you get hurt if I can get that information."

Krel studied her expression, worry creasing his brow. "Give us a day to find the information ourselves," he offered. "Call in sick to rehearsal, think about this a little longer. Please."

Cara considered that, then nodded. "Alright," she conceded. "We can probably afford a day. I'll text the director and tell her I woke up with a head cold."

Krel smiled, though his fears still gnawed at his core. "Thank you," he said quietly. He hugged her, then quietly added, "And for the record- you're not responsible for every person in Arcadia who could get hurt. You aren't obligated to sacrifice yourself for anyone."

"Except you," Cara pointed out, just as quietly.

Krel frowned at that, but he only hugged her tighter, mind racing as he tried to figure out how to dissuade her, within twenty-four hours, from infiltrating a cult that would pretty much certainly kill her if she slipped up in the slightest.

Sweet Seklos, this was going to be a long day.

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