Sharing Room With Killer

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                     Aditi's pov

I opened my eyes when I felt him keeping me on a soft mattress.. He had the same stern look on his face.. He knelt down in front of me as he took one of my feet in his hands... The pain was excruciating and it felt hundred times more with the slightest of movement...

He looked up at my tear streamed face as he proceeded to take out the glass pieces one by one as I screamed... The pain felt unbearable with every passing minute... He took out the first aid box and started dressing my feet carefully when I noticed his hand was bleeding too... It wasn't a small cut, instead his full palm was bleeding... At this moment my pain is too excruciating to care about someone else...

He spoke, "So what did we learn today?"

I was too hurt to say anything... He again looked up at me with a stern gaze indicating me to speak up...

With great difficulty, I finally formed words... "To n-not to g-go to the pl-places I am not a-a-allowed to..." Fear engulfed every inch of me..

"Hmm.. good.." He said.. He bandaged my feet and finally got up... He took out the gun from his pocket and kept it in the nearby drawer... My eyes widened at the action... "Scared ??" He asked... I didn't want him to think I was weak so I nodded in no... "And what did I tell you about lying ??" His question clearly indicating that he knew I was... I looked at him fearfully as he proceeded towards the bathroom... I cried... and cried... I felt like running away....where these cruel people won't find me... But what a fate! Leave running... I can't even stand up on my feet... My life felt miserable...

After sometime he came back wearing  casual shirt pants.. "Stop crying... I will be back with your dinner.." He said as he proceeded towards the door... "I am n-not hungry.." I tried to say as politely as possible... He didn't pay heed to my sentence and left the room...

Few moments later he came back with a plate back in the room.... What the hell? I told him that I am not hungry... Why can't this man just understand my words...

He came near me and sat in front of me... "A-a-actually I am n-not hungry..." I tried to say again...but this time met his rock hard gaze indicating there was one, and only one answer...and that is yes..

"Open your mouth.." he said...

"I-I can e-eat by m-myself.." I tried again but again met by his intense gaze... His eyes telling me to follow his command... So I did as he said and he started feeding me.. Being fed was something I craved since childhood but at this moment I could feel nothing but fear...

After some time I was full but he continued to feed me... I couldn't say no... God knows what triggers his anger... I can't eat anymore... I feel my stomach will explode..

I summoned all the courage left in me as I spoke.. "I am full... I c- can't eat anymore..."

"You are full already ?...  No wonder you are so pale and thin.." He said as his fingers came near my mouth and I flinched.. He wiped the sauce on my mouth and put the finger in his mouth... My eyes widened at his action.. He looked like a sweet caring husband who is flirting with his wife..

"You won't eat?" I tried to get out of the awkwardness..

"Well I am full.." he said as he chuckled and I looked away...

"Go to sleep.." He said as he kept the plate on the bedside table...

I layed down and he pulled the blanket over me.. Surprisingly he didn't lay beside me.. but went to the balcony.. I turned around again and again...sleep refusing to get in my eyes... Well that's normal.. Who can sleep peacefully when you are sharing room with a killer...

I kept rolling around for another 15 minutes when I saw him entering the room again... I quickly closed my eyes pretending to sleep... I don't want to face him anymore... He came close to me and sat on the bed leaning over me... He tucked a hair strand from my face behind my ear... My heart was beating rapidly and maybe I was shaking a little bit..

"Why aren't you asleep yet ??" He asked but I continued acting hoping he woudn't catch... But nothing misses the devil's eye... "Well what did I tell you about lying ??  Don't be so forgetfull sweetheart, I won't remind everytime.." And here I gave up... I looked at him staring at me with a expression I coudn't read..

"Actually I a-am not a-able t-to sleep..." I tried hard to talk normally while he enjoyed my powerless form...

"Hmm..  Not sleepy... Do you want to do anything else ??" His eyes held a mischevious glint...

"NO.." I said getting irritated and without stuttering... How dirty minded this person is ??  I questioned myself... "I a-am sleepy... Good Night.." I said as I turned around...

"Okay..." He said as he left towards the sofa where I used to sit as I was uncomfortable around him.. I was actually surprised at his action.. But there's no time for wonder... I must find a way to escape from this killer... I have no idea where I will go but its better to live in streets rather than sharing  room with a killer... I don't know how I will do it but I will surely figure out somthing... I will run far away from his chains... There must be some way.... But before that, I must heal a little or else forget escaping, I will not be able to stand on my own feet and I am pretty sure that if I get caught this time, he will break my legs...

I looked at him dozing off in the sofa as I started to think of ways to escape this golden prison....

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