My Introduction (ig)

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Hey hey there pretty fella 💪

Alright, imma be straightforward- English is NOT my first language but I'll try to make the experience of reading my novel worthwhile for you~

This is my first work on Wattpad, but I've written countless stories and novels before so you're in for quality content.

I'm just a highschool student with loads of commitment issues soo- be prepared for irregular updates ig 🥹

Please comment and appreciate me because that will be the ONLY thing keeping me going (insert cutie pie face)

Now, about the novel ->

'Her pet with benefits' is a FICTIONAL novel and revolves around these two characters, Hari and Raegan. Hari is just a simple guy who's trying to make ends meet, but he accidentally finds himself in a grim situation. He just discovered that the tall,
rich and UNIMAGINABLY HOT woman he wanted to woo is a mf-ing gangster. (Talk about bad luck)

Now, Hari doesn't wanna be mixed with gangsters BUT since now he knows that Raegan has literally murdered people and transports drugs, he is taken hostage by her. He is then- wait wait wait wait. ARE YOU PLANNING TO READ ALL THIS HERE-

switch the chapters mf.

(And also comment UWU 🔫😄)

Her Pet With Benefits Where stories live. Discover now