A/N -not an update (explanation)

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Some people have been wondering where I've been or what is happening with the state of the story.

Let me get straight to the point.

I don't have the motivation to continue this story.
I don't like how it's going and I don't find joy in continuing the plot. I have other stories in the works that have really gathered my attention. If you are interested, look out for those.

Another thing is the people reading my story. Some people comment insanely inappropriate things that I have to delete. There is a countless amount of people saving my SFW story to NSFW reading lists. Some ADULT people think that's it's okay to dm a MINOR and call me pet names and try to play caregiver.

I may be a little, but that does not give ANYONE the right to come into my dms and start acting like they have power over me. I may be a little, but I'm a person too. Knock it off.

I will not delete this story as some people have expressed their love for it and who would I be to take that away from them?

I could make an update to explain everything that was planned for this story, including how it was going to end, if people are interested in seeing that as a chapter.

I have pages of excerpts from future chapters that I will likely never finish, so if anyone would like to see those posted, please let me know.

That's about it, as far as this authors note goes.

I would like to thank my lovely and loyal readers who comment reactions and words of encouragement throughout the story. Between long breaks and infrequent updates, you have stayed to read my writing, to watch my characters in their journey. You are the ones who have made it difficult for me to say this.

Goodbye (for now),


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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