Chapter 1

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"Fuck off." The raven-haired boy murmured in an annoyed tone, flicking off a thorn from his shoelace that pricked his finger. He was tugging them in an annoyed manner, clearly struggling to tie them. "Need help?" Asked the taller blonde, his voice tainted with irritation. "We need to find shelter before it's dark."
"I'm fine. Go find shelter then, I'll catch up." The raven-haired boy replied with the same hint of irritancy in his voice in an attempt of mockery.
"I'm not leaving you here, Sap." replied the blonde with an exaggerated sigh. "Move, let me just help." kneeling down, the blonde pushed the other's hands away, beginning to tie the laces of his shoes.
"I could've done it myself, you know?" The raven-haired boy, Sapnap, scoffed. "I'm not six."
"Well you act it." The blonde shrugged.
"Oh shut up, Dream. You're the one still drooling over George every second of your miserable life." Sapnap spat, coming out more hostile than he had anticipated. Guilt pricked inside of him when he realised what he had said, but he didn't speak any longer.
Dream glared at him. Finishing tying Sapnap's laces, he stood up. "Can you blame me? Don't act as if you're not worried about him too. You didn't even give me five seconds to reply that day the apocalypse broke out when you said we shouldn't attempt to find him."
"'Not my fault we were surrounded by zombies. Would you have rather died looking for him? He probably escaped and it would've been a waste of time. You know what he was like, slippery as anything escaping through windows to skip school n' shit." Sapnap retorted, ignoring Dream's first two sentences. "And plus, he's probably out there somewhere. Who knows, he could've forgotten all about us and joined a squad. Maybe he's leader of a squad? Perhaps he kills innocent people who are looking for shelter to rob their shit."
"What? Sometimes I worry about you, Sap. He wouldn't do that." Dream sighed, looking around. "Now come on, let's head over there." He pointed towards the distance which led to a grassy field. Without waiting for a reply, he began to walk to where he had pointed.
"Okay, whatever you say." Sapnap rolled his eyes and stood up, swiftly catching up with the taller male. "But I so bet he would." He added with a cheeky grin.
Dream just scoffed. Keeping a lookout for zombies, he grabbed his sword from his belt so he would be ready for anything that could pop out at them. Sapnap did the same, but instead pulled out an axe. "Do you have any idea where we're going?" Sapnap brushed some dirt off of the axe he held. "Or are we possibly walking to our deaths."
"Maybe. But I'm pretty certain that there should be atleast somewhere to shelter around here." Dream shrugged. Sapnap groaned, but didn't continue to carry the conversation.

The sun had nearly set now, and eventually the two males stumbled across some grassy hills which the sun was slowly sinking behind. The sky was a mix of oranges and pinks, slowly fading into a dark indigo colour. Stars began to dot the sky, and the moon began to rise above the horizon. "Ugh, my legs kill." Sapnap complained.
"Shut up." Dream held his hand up to silence the other. So far, they had not come across any zombies, so the blonde was a little sceptical about it. It had been an unusually calm day, no zombies, people or any trouble whatsoever. "But I'm so hungry and thirsty-" Sapnap continued, not bothered about Dream's silencing.
"Sap! Jesus Christ, there could be a horde of zombies somewhere around here and you'd attract them all by your constant whining. Let me just listen for a moment, please?" Dream snapped, clearly annoyed. Surely enough, that had worked. Sapnap just stood there rolling his eyes with a quiet groan. It only took a few seconds for the two to make out the distant gurgling sound of a stream. "A water source!" Sapnap grinned. Dream was glad too, but didn't express it. If they were unlucky, it would be swarming with zombies which was unlikely since there were no other noises, or it would be land already claimed by a squad. Swiftly but carefully, Dream poked his head around the hill. Infront of him was a grassy clearing with a stream running through it. Four hills surrounded the clearing as if protecting the precious land within, and the biggest of the hills right opposite Dream had a massive hole gaping through it in a ginormous yawn. "Sapnap, look." Dream beckoned his best friend forward.
"Holy- woah.. this is perfect!" Sapnap exclaimed. "We could barrier the open parts connecting the hills with something, maybe we could use brambles and all that shit. And then we could use that hill opposite as a den. We'd have a constant water source too, we'd only need to find some food."
"Yeah, I was thinking that. I'm surprised this hasn't been claimed by anyone else, though I thought it would've been considering how neat it is." Dream shrugged, pointing at the hole gaping in the hill opposite them. "But we need to be careful, because there could be someone or something in there waiting for us."
"Like what, a deer?" Sapnap snorted. "I wouldn't mind, I'm absolutely starving."
"Tch, if only. Come on." Dream began to walk forward, Sapnap right at his side. As quiet as a mouse, the two entered the hole. It was dark and gloomy, somewhat eery too. As scary as it seemed, nothing and nobody was in it. "Thank god for that! This is ours now, then." Sapnap grinned. The floor was grassy and the walls were made out of dirt. It almost looked too surreal to be natural. "Guess so." The blonde replied, slipping his rucksack off of his back and onto the floor. By now it was pitch black outside and there was the distant hoot of an owl. "I'll take guard first. I want to fetch some water anyways, want some?" Sapnap asked, breaking the silence.
"Sure, whatever." Dream slumped down to the floor and grabbed his empty water bottle along with Sapnap's. The raven-haired boy took the two bottles and headed out. "Careful." Dream called out to him, worried he'd lose Sapnap as well as George. Sighing, Dream let his thoughts stray to the brunette he once knew. Two years ago, the apocalypse had begun whilst they were in school. Dream could still hear the screams of other students in the corridors, running for their lives to escape the zombies that had gotten in. Everything was a blur that day, he was lucky he had even found Sapnap...

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