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The morning came quickly with my phone blowing up. I scroll through the messages. Mostly Twitter notifications asking about my departure. I swipe away most of them before grabbing my laptop. I attach the already made highlight tape and write the brief description about where and how I play before sending it to every pro team I could think of. I switch tabs to finish up my school stuff. I shoot a few of my teachers emails to take test and they agree letting me join via zoom. I finish the test quickly before moving onto the next. After the fifth test I'm done for the rest of the week.

Tierna wakes up and rises wordlessly moving through her routine like a well orchestrated dance. After coming from the bathroom she notices my presence. "Morning?"

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" I question closing the screen.

"I slept good. You?"

"Knocked out."

"We need to head to breakfast." I nod wordlessly pulling on my clothes. Walking to the meal room I feel my phone endlessly vibrating in my pocket. Every single app on my phone had a notification my email was spilling with over 75. I scan through them no emails from teams just different tech companies trying to poach me and more colleges reaching out. My Twitter mentions were filled with porn like comments, Instagram was even worse.

It was funny to me. How people who didn't even know her could write such comments. Stalking into the meal room was something. Everyone was staring at their phone. The door closing behind them brought everyone out of their trance. "Dude have you seen what people are saying about you?" Emily questions with a knowing smirk.

"Believe me my phone hasn't stopped buzzing since I talked with the media."

"Gotta wear a shirt."

"Why can't people just be normal."

"Don't we all ask that." Nodding as I grab my plate and head to an open seating. Wolfing down my food as my phone continues to buzz on the table.

We finish eating and get changed before heading down to the bus. "What's the fun fact of the day?" Tierna questions as I slip into the seat next to her.

"In the UK the queen legally owns all unmarked swans." I mumble turning my phone to airplane mode.

"How do they even come up with that." She quirks shifting in her seat to face me.

"Ask the parliament. Also what is an unmarked swan that's what I want to know." She nods as well pull into the training pitch.

Tying our cleats before running through warmups we start on set pieces before shifting to run of play. I start to get minutes at outside back. It was nice to not have to take into account both sides of the ball. I was just focused on defusing the situation at hand. We work for about little over an hour before Jill calls for water. I glance around the field watching the cameras in the stand as I pick my shirt off the floor. I knew I was doing it to myself but also I think the public could be less excited about it.

Maybe Nike should just make a shirt that didn't hug my neck or squeeze my shoulders. Jill meets me as I stalk to the bench. "Any media duties for me?" I question as she hands me a bottle.

"Not yet. But I wanted to talk to you and see if you wanted reps up top?"

"Yeah. Sure, whatever you think is best."

"You'll move up top I'll shift Crystal back into your spot." Nodding as I toss the bottle off to the touch line and walk up to my start position. I would be mainly facing Tierna down the side. I knew I could get past her. It would just take more work on my part.

We start up play again and I get my feel for the ball at my feet. My passing are hitting their target and my shoots were on target. They were lacking power but that wasn't a worry. Tierna was hounding me like a dog. I get moved to the 9 role with the focus on shooting. Retaking my spot I toss my jersey off the field and get ready to restart.

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