Chapter 3 - Tools of a Ninja

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Naruto woke up the next day with one thing on his mind. He ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast from the toaster. He ran out the door with Kushina yelling after him, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" as she ran up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "You're not going anywhere today! Your staying home and training with us." Naruto looked up to his mother, with a frown on his face. He muttered under his breath "For the first time, ever..." "What was that?" Naruto scowled, "Nothing... Thank you for letting me train with you guys, kaa-san" Inwardly Naruto was disappointed. He had no need to train with his family. He had already seen his siblings progress. He was already stronger then them by far, as they were just doing minimal physical training, and rarely, chakra control. Naruto was already long past that point, and wanted to do something else. Get some kind of weapon.

Naruto was dragged back into the house. "You're eating with all of us today. Do you understand me mister!" Naruto gulped. "Yes kaa-san!" He may have been a prodigy in the ways of a ninja, but his mother was one of the few things that scared him. She was utterly terrifying if she needed to be. Naruto sat on a chair and started eating his toast and eggs. His siblings were also at the table, laughing and joking and talking about their training sessions. Kushina looked towards everyone on the table and said, "About your training... Naruto will be joining us during for todays training." Minato looked to his wife with a shocked expression and mouthed the words, "I though you were joking!" Kushina glared back at him and shook her head. Kinato and Natsumi were talking about whether Naruto would be able to make them actually try. Natsumi said, "He won't be able to even get near me!" Kinato looked confident, but less confident than his sister. "I mean, he trains every day as well." "Are you kidding!? No way he can measure up to us, especially me, if he's training by himself."

Naruto was thinking. He did not want to train with his family today. He had promised his friend that he would train with her. Besides, he wouldn't learn anything if he trained with his family. After eating, the training was about to begin. That's when Naruto had an idea. He looked to his parents and said, "I'm going upstairs to grab some kunai. I'll be right back." Minato nodded, and Naruto ran upstairs and into his room. He made a hand seal and whispered, "Wood Style: Wood Clone Jutsu" and a clone started growing out of the ground. He then instructed the clone to be with his family and train with them. The clone nodded and made its way downstairs, and saw his parents and siblings waiting for him. Kushina said, "Alright, lets head out and train."

During this, the real Naruto had already escaped through his window. He had chosen to make a wood clone because it was much more durable then a shadow clone, and he wanted to make sure it wouldn't be dispelled. He ran towards the training ground that had been at yesterday, and saw his friend waiting for him impatiently. "Your late!" "Yeah, I'm sorry. My parents insisted that I train with them, so I had to make a clone to stay in my place so I could come here." She looked at him in shock. "Are you crazy! You passed up the opportunity to train with the Hokage and an elite Jonin!" Naruto grinned. "They wouldn't be teaching me anything that is new. My siblings are not as good as me so they would think that they are teaching me new things." His friend sighed, "Ok, I guess that's a valid reason. Either way you're here now so lets train!"

After Training for 4 hours, Naruto looked over and saw his friend laying on the ground, exhausted. He had made her put on 25 kilogram weights during the training so it was a lot harder for her, unlike with Naruto, who always trained with weights on. He smiled at her while he stood up and walked towards her. "Get up." She groaned "Nooooo... Let me lay down for a bit." "I'll buy you ramen." Her eyes lit up and she immediately got up and ran to Naruto and dragged him towards Ichiraku. Naruto thought, for someone who was just extremely exhausted, she was dragging him rather quickly.

After eating at Ichiraku, Naruto looked over, "You can head home if you'd like. I'm going to buy something." She looked back. "I'll go with you. Besides, I'm bored and have nothing to do at home. Naruto shrugged, "Sure."

With the Wood Clone

The clone was walking outside the Namikaze household. Minato looked over. "Naruto, since you don't have any training, we are going to need to test your abilities." The clone remembered the instructions that Naruto gave him. Don't absolutely destroy Kinato and Natsumi. Try to match their strength. You can let them beat you if need be. "Naruto" nodded towards Minato.

Minato look to his two other children. "Which one of you guys wants to spar Naruto first?" he asked with a smile. Natsumi looked to Kinato. "You do it. I don't want to waste my energy" "What?! I don't want to waste my energy either. You should fight him, Natsumi!" Natsumi looked to her in desperation. Kushina sighed, "Fine, Kinato you go first and Natsumi and go afterwards" Natsumi looked at Kushina. "We're both fighting him? Then let me go first!" Kushina shook her head, "You already insisted. Kinato will be sparring Naruto first." Kinato nodded and smirked at Naruto. "You haven't been trained at all. I'm a lot stronger than you. I might go easy on you. Who knows?" The clone looked at Kinato with an expressionless face. They got into their stances.

Minato looked at his two sons. He couldn't help but feel bad for Naruto. Kinato and Natsumi have had taijutsu training for 2 years already. He knew Naruto trained, but he didn't have a trainer. He wouldn't be able to get remotely near Kinato's level. (little did he know...) When the fight started, Kinato rushed at Naruto, readying a punch he would aim at Narutos face. When the punch neared Naruto's face, Minato thought the fight would already be over, but Naruto swiftly dodged the punch and Kinato fell face first into the dirt. Kinato grunted and got up, and ran towards Naruto, aiming at his head with a punch, once again. Naruto, again, dodged the punch, and kneed Kinato in the stomach, which launched him away a couple of meters.

 Kushina immediately ran towards Kinato and started babying him, asking him if he's hurt, if he's ok, or if he needs anything. Minato was shocked. He had not taught Naruto anything. He hadn't trained him at all. No one had, not that he knew of. He scowled at Naruto. "Naruto! That is your brother! Why did you hit your brother!" The clone looked at Minato in disbelief. "We were sparring. We were supposed to hit each other. Why are you mad that I hit him?" Minato got even angrier. He had nothing to say to that. "Well, he's hurt. He's only six years old!" The clone was shocked. This is what Naruto had to go through. "We are the same age. Not that you care." He said with an icy tone. He then got up and flickered to the front of the house and dispelled himself.

Minato ignored the last remark. He was just thinking. Kushina looked towards Minato and said, "He's right you know. It's not like he hurt a younger child. They are the same age." Minato sighed and look at Kushina. "Still, this won't go unpunished." Kushina frowned. "Why do you care so much? Kinato isn't even badly hurt. Also, I guarantee, if it was Naruto that got hurt, and if Kinato won, you wouldn't have cared, and you would have congratulated Kinato." Minato frowned. His wife was right, but he didn't want to admit it. "Whatever. Lets just train without him."

With the Real Naruto

Naruto was at the weapon store. He was looking for a certain weapon. Not many shinobi used this weapon. It was hard to use, clunky if your technique isn't perfect, and it could even be dangerous to oneself and other teammates if used incorrectly. The weapon in question was a scythe. Scythes always fascinated him. They were a lot harder to learn and use than a sword, or a staff, but scythes could be much more dangerous. Naruto always wanted to be a master of kamajutsu. (A/N: idk if this is the correct term. I just used google translate lmao.) Naruto finally spotted one at the back of the store. He went over to it. It was a lot smaller than what he envisioned, although that was probably for the better, as this one was much more proportional to Naruto's size. Naruto held it, getting a feel for the weight and grip, and he was satisfied.

As he went over to the counter, his friend came over with a small tanto. She smiled at Naruto and put it on the counter as well. Naruto looked at the sword and nodded towards her. The shopkeeper looked at the scythe weirdly, as if he hadn't seen one in a long time. Naruto paid for both of the weapons. As they left the store, Naruto looked to his friend and, with a smirk. I'll be better at kamajutsu then you will be at kenjutsu!" She looked towards Naruto with a playful glare. "I don't think so Naruto." Naruto smirked. She continued, "How about we make a bet. Whoever is worse at their respective technique by the end of the week, they have to pay for Ichiraku for a week!" Naruto laughed. "Easy money!" She grinned, "I already know who will win this bet." Naruto chuckled and responded, "Who?"

"It will be me, Sora Uchiha!"


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