Tip 7: look for the spice life prepared for you

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It's crazy how time flies faster as we grow up

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It's crazy how time flies faster as we grow up. When I was a kid, everything seemed to be too slow, I was always impatient for things to finally happen, one week seemed like eternity, it felt like time was going at the pace of a snail... But today, I feel like even a race car can't keep up with time. I can't believe it's already been a week since Samuel left the house.

After Nina's burst out, we spent the day together, trying to remember our college days. It sure was not the same. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't take my mind off the fact that she and Samuel had sex. I could sense she also was not that comfortable, but we both tried our best not to bring up the subject until she left.

We've been texting since, and we planned to meet before her departure for Toronto on the weekend. She also helped me with the few job applications I picked. She said she was glad I finally decided to start over. I was glad too, but I was afraid it would not work. Or I would not be good anymore, it's been so long!

I was taking things off the washing machine when my phone rang. The screen displayed an unknown phone number.

"Hello!" I stuck the phone between my ear and shoulder and continued my work.

"Good morning madam," a sweet voice said. "Am I talking to Mrs. Missa Kinam?"

"Yes, it's me! How can I help you?"

"I am Sara from KPL Transport HR team. We've received and reviewed your application for the data analyst position, and we would like to invite you for an interview, this Friday morning at nine A.M. in our main office. Woukd that work for you?"

"KPL... an interview?" I asked in confusion.

"That's exact. You did apply for the data analyst position, right?"

"Yes... Yes! Yes I did! I applied! And an interview..." I dropped the clothes basket and went in the living room as the information made its way through my mind.

"This Friday at nine A.M."

"In your main office. Yes! Yes, of course! That's perfect!"

"Great! See you on Friday, then! Have a good day."

"Yes! Thanks! And have a good day too!"

When she hung up, I stared at the screen of my phone for a moment. Then I went through my call history to make sure it was not a dream. That phone call was real. I also noticed a mail I received the day before, confirming I was not dreaming.

A sudden rush of happiness filled my heart, and I couldn't keep a scream from tearing up the air after I read the mail for the third time. I threw the phone on the dining table and reached for Clara, who was chewing Barbie's foot.

"Mom's going to a job interview!" Clara was the unlucky victim of my overload of happiness as I suddenly lifted her in the air and spun in circles in the living room. She let out a cute goggle and shouted along with me. Thank God we were alone in the house, and at this hour, the neighbourhood was almost desert, with kids at school and parents at work.

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