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Thanks to all of you for your lovely support may be some of you are not showing but it's alright me whenever you fell comfortable you can....


He was sitting alone in his room His eyes were closed. He could not understand what had happened. His young son was no longer in this world. The son for whom he was ready to give up his life. That son is dead today. Only because of don

Why was his heart shivering today after so many years? Today he felt that his son had been punished for his deeds. He had never felt as lonely as he did today, even in all these years...He had caused loss to many people in his business. He had harassed many people but today it seemed as if he was going to get the punishment for his deeds and this was the only thing that was giving him solace... Somewhere in his heart he was ready for the punishment....

He was not able to understand what he should do now. He was hesitant to take any decision at this time. But still he had understood that whatever has happened, there is a big mastermind person....when he saw the CCTV footage he couldn't able to listen anything but he saw that his son was lying on the floor covered with seems like somebody beat him till the death...

"Dad this is not fair, We cannot sit here. We have to do something. We have to get justice for him... You cannot remain silent like this. Don was strong and controlling, but he is in jail. Now we have to do something." Kareena said to her father...who was silent from the time when he got the news of his beloved son's death...

Kareena was fuming in anger that his one and only brother pasha is no more... Now nobody is on her side...the same condition was of her father...

Pasha worked for don not because his father told him to do that...but he want to make career with him..

Pasha always stood by Don's side even he neglected his father sometimes. He never left don alone no matter what the problem was. He always fought with him and protected him. But today he could not get involved in this. His father was repeatedly feeling sad. He was repeatedly remembering the dead face of his son....I wish I'd never sent him there. These are the only words which are roaming in his mind...

"Dad are you listening me whatever I'm saying, we have to take revenge" kareena again said with anger in her voice...she must want the revenge not because his brother died in this early age but because Faris is not answering her call and messages now it make her blood boiled...

"I know beta but we can't do anything as you can see don had sent to prison and the person who killed my son is also dead, so tell me with whom I got the revenge" Usman(kareena and pasha's father) said in tired voice...

"What do you mean by this dad, we can and we will, we will take Revenge from the one who did this...and I promise that I'll make his or her life hell" Kareena said in her dangerous angry voice

Kareena's mind was not working, when she kidnapped noor she thought that now she will vent her all anger on her but when in evening she went to her room she only find a dead body there was no sign of noor...When she checked the CCTV footage, she found out that there was a girl who had jumped in from outside and took Noor with her the same way she had come in...

While she was lost in her thoughts, suddenly she heard the sound of a bomb blast from outside and she came out of her thoughts. When she looked outside, there was a lot of destruction. Half of her house was destroyed and now only half was left....their all guard are dead now....

"Dad see dad somebody come are you listening" kareena was blabbering to herself but her father was sitting there like nothing has happened....

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