A Late Potty Trainer

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"Lets keep on going"

But as they get to the next question Mr. Kenny notices Coles hand holding onto his crotch.

"You need to go pee pee buddy?" He asks warmly

"No I'm ok" Cole says staring at the question

Mr. Kenny senses his frustration.

"This ones tricky buddy"

"I'm nevew gonna get adding" Cole pouts

"Shhhh shhh of course you will buddy" Mr. Kenny reassures, while changing their focus to Coles new attire

"Wow bud those are some cool lightning McQueen shoes, Oh and he's on your shirt as well"

"Ya he's my favowite" Cole says looking at his shirt

But Mr. Kennys focus is really drawn toward his calki shorts and the little piece of fabric sticking out.

"Huh, a pull-up at 6 years old, guess you were a slow learner" Mr. Kenny chuckles

"Wha?" Cole says

"Oh nothing, I was just looking at the next question, can you tell me what one plus one is?"

"Hmmmmm" Cole thinks


"Yeah that's right champ"

But the victory is short lived as Cole jumps up.

"I gotta go pee!" He shouts

"What?" Mr. Kenny asks watching Cole tightly hold his crotch

"I gotta go pee pee" He says doing a potty dance

Mr. Kenny chuckles as he grabs Coles hand and they start jogging down the empty hall to the washroom at the other end. Passing door after door, with each step closer it looks like their going to make it... but the Cole stops.

Turning around Mr. Kenny watch's as Cole's eyes grow wide and look down at his crotch. Mr. Kenny walks over and bending down on one knee, pulls Coles calki shorts off. Around the little boys waist is a Lightning McQueen pull-up with a faded lightning bolt symbol as the garment sags with the wait of his pee.

"Uh oh, looks like we had an accident, that's alright" Mr. Kenny said giving Cole another warm smile

As before, suddenly Cole didn't feel upset at his recently accident. Instead he grabbed Mr. Kenny's hand as he squished back to his office.

"Alrightly soggy pants, lets get you changed" Mr. Kenny said lifting Cole onto his desk and laying him down

He proceeded to rip of his saggy pull-up and change him into a fresh diaper, fit for the toddler he now resembled.

"Oh look at that, can you tell me what number is on the diaper?" Mr. Kenny asks pointing to the big number on the back

"A Fouw!"

"That's right, just like you" Mr. Kenny says tickling the tot

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