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05, January 1679.

Dear Dairy,

Hiii, it's me again ready to tell you what I did throughout the day. Well you can it was a different and dangerous day for me. Well the morning was all same boring and regular, I went on a morning walk with my guard. Had breakfast and stayed in my room playing piano. Hmm I do know how to play piano, but that's not what is important now.

The main thing here is I was attacked today, yes I was attacked. And not by some outsider I was attacked by...

"Kook, we are here let's go." Jin spoke shaking jungkook's shoulder who looked up at everyone who were already out of their van as they reached their drom. Jungkook hummed as he closed his book and followed others inside.

"Everyone gets freshen up, I want everyone here at the dinning table within 15 minutes. You all need to have some food and then you need to change. Remember we have an interview today." Their manager Jong-won spoke looking at them making them groan slightly.

"Come on come on boys, you all can do this just a few hours hmm." Jong-won cheered up them, they all sighed and walked to their rooms. Jungkook placed his stuffs on his desk as he walked to take a shower as he was sweating badly. Changing he joined everyone to have some food to regain their energy.

They all got ready and left for the interview that they were supposed to shoot today. This time they didn't took anything with them as it was just a few hours work. But the few hours seemed eternity to Jungkook who was extremely curious to know who attacked prince Taehyung.

Jungkook was even zoned out throughout the interview as his mind was wondering about all the what if's related to story itself. The other members didn't even gave much attention to the male zoning out as it was very normal for Jungkook to zone out like that randomly.

Coming back they had their dinner and were off to their rooms to finally get some rest. Jungkook removed his tshirt and layed on his bed with the book in his hands.

Yes, I was attacked today. And not by some outsider it was my own personal guard. Thanks to Jongsuk uncle who came on time or today would have been my last day.

You know I was so curious to know who tried to kill me that too my using my guard, and it turns out it was some of the Kingdom citizens deeds cause the person believed I don't deserve to live.

Reason I ain't into girls but into boys, tsk!! This narrow minded people think that people should love just their opposite gender. Like why?? Why can't we love someone who is same of our gender. Well what can I say, almost everyone hate me for that and I don't really care about them either. Why should I??? Even appa hate me for this, but do I care no I don't? Because he hated me even before I said I am into boys and not girls. I even feel like why haven't heard disowned me, if he would have disowned me I would have been adopted my aunt jieun and I would have been happy and safe..

Sighing** Can't change what happened, I know why appa wants me to be his son. Because there's a news that our near by kingdoms king is into boys too and my appa is trying his best to marry me off to him.

Leaving that, today as I was attacked my that fattie he was then killed by appa. And now appa has decided to hire another person guard for me, yes I am getting another fatty as my personal guard. I so wish that this time the guard turns out to be young and handsome.

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