Chapter Twenty Six

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Dinner was an awkward affair. Lord Caldwell hadn't showed, and it consisted of the Duke seated at the head, the Duchess at the opposite head with Lord Beau seated next to his father on the right.

Belinha curtseyed before leaving to help the Mrs in the backrooms when the Duchess stopped her.

Some maids and kitchen boys sat on the other side of the table, speaking amongst the other. The Duke did not seem to be angry at them for sitting where his family was designated. Perhaps he wasn't so bad?

The servants finished their meals quick before hurrying away and down the hall, only sparing her a glance.

"Sit with us, Louise." At her husband's sceptical gaze, she explained, "She's become a big part of the family ever since you were in that accident."

He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable by her mere presence there, and his jaw clenched and unclenched countless times as he chewed—Belinha almost thought he was chewing on rubber with the intensity he gnawed.

"I must help Mrs with—"

"Where are you from?" he thundered.

"I...pardon?" she squeaked.

"Where are you from, child?"

"Alastair—" The Duke was unrelenting in his gaze as he waited patiently for an answer.


"I don't believe you."

Her countenace crumbled and she hoped the colour in her face hadn't drained; could he read through her? Could he see past everything? Was she an open book? Surely she had been hiding everything so well that the Duke couldn't unravel it all in one simple glance.

"Alastair, you've only just gotten better," scolded the Duchess, saving her from humiliation. "Don't exert yourself emotionally or physically like this. I don't want to see you in that situation again."

The Duke melted at this, rubbing his forehead. "I'm sorry, dearest. You're right. I'm merely surprised she was hired," he said, a low grumble. "Was a background check conducted?" He trailed off at the look the Duchess gave him. "I merely ask, darling. We must be careful during these times."

"I don't recall you ever giving me a background check," she retorted.

"That was different."


The Duke set his knife and fork down and levelled his wife with a calm stare. "I was in desperate need of a governess and the opportune with you presented itself. I was in no immediate danger. You and the kids, my love, are my priority. Not knowing who you invited without any obvious investigations into ones history is worrying."

The Duchess' fiery spirit softened at this and she nodded. "I understand your concerns, but Louise isn't like that. She reminded me of me when I came here. The least you could do is make her feel welcome; you taught me that, remember? Everyone employed here is family regardless of colour and social status. You taught me that."

He mumbled something under his breath before giving in to his wife. Belinha nearly laughed at how soft the Duke really was when it came to his wife and her pleas, if the situation wasn't so tense. Or about her. She stood there idly, being spoken about but not allowed to speak.

It reminded her of that insipid auction where everyone gawked as if she was an animal, a piece of meat, that was of no use to them dead or alive.

No, these people are not like that.

"Have I missed any awkward dallyings in conversation?" said Lord Caldwell as he limped into the dining hall. Lord Beau beamed at his presence, gesturing for him to take a seat next to him.

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